Episode 1: The Girl Who Smiled

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Chapter 1
New York was still and quiet for a change. Mona was cold. Like REALLY cold. She hated it when things were even a little chilly. Her inner thermostat was more like a light switch. Hot or freezing. Right now, it was of course the latter.
She clutched her sweater tighter, adjusting her glasses, and made sure her head was down. Not enough to look suspicious but enough to keep her face out of the light.
She was quite proud of herself for getting this far out. But she WOULD have to return soon. People would...miss her. Well, for a while, at least, right? The thought was almost comforting.
Everything was dark. Maybe she should have known better than to go out at this time of night. Maybe she shouldn't have run away in the first place. Maybe her new life style has made her too comfortable for her own good.
As she crept down the alley way, the street light cascaded down the sides, bringing shadow sized lights.
She looked up, hazily, to see a dull one blink rapidly, probably about to die. She wouldn't have normally cared, until the light bulb turned an eerie pink all of sudden. Mona's eyes widened with fear.
Without even having time to react, she started running. As fast as she could.
The wind beat at her barely exposed face, but her fist pounded back. She just had to make sure she wasn't seen.
But it wasn't that easy.
Her feet fumbled. She skirted across the gravel. Someone tripped her. Was standing over her, menacingly. Something cold, and hard, and metal. Mona looked up and screamed at the top of her lungs.

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