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Mia sits down and opens the laptop. She goes to start recording but then stops. She looks at me and motions me towards her. She gives me a hug and kisses my head. I see the red light blinking. "Ethan... You were right. I lied to you. I shouldn't have. All I can say is if you get this.. Stay away."

I wake up in a camper. I cant remember anything that's happened before this.. like how'd I get here? I get up to see Mia laying on the ground. I check to see if she's ok but notice a note of the table. Before I get a chance, a short haired woman barges in and a tall bearded man shortly follows in after. I start to think I might get some answers but he knocks the woman out and comes towards me and does the same.

I wake up again but this time, Mia, the strange woman and I are tied to chairs seated around a table with a full family it seems in the other seats. It's the man from the camper along with a shorter woman to his left and a younger man to his right. Then theres a little girl next to the short haired woman and Mia, with mia being to my left. They'd seem normal except for the fact that it looks like they're eating intestines and giblets. They're home looks disgusting with the fridge being open showing the same thing that's on the table. And the family, aside from the people who are tied down and the little girl, are eating the gross "meal". The man who seems to be the father notices I'm awake. He stands up and takes the little girl out of the room and comes back without her. He sits back down and starts talking. "I'll make you, and only you a deal. You won't have to eat any of this, but you'll have to give the lady next to you to us. Or you can join her, either of those are fine but they're your only choices. She says that she really wants Mia. She's fine with you but she wants to have her no matter what." I dont think and say; "If I get to be with Mia I'll eat it. I'll do whatever you'd like as long as I don't get separated from her." The man looks almost shocked and the woman to his left looks ecstatic. He then stood up with a fork full of whatever it is they're eating and I hold my breath as he shoves it in my mouth and swallowed the disgusting thing that was put in my mouth. I throw up in my mouth a bit but I swallow again. The man keeps feeding me until my small plate is gone but though the portion was somewhat small, it was hell. He frees my hands and I reach for Mia but I am injected with some as I see Mia wake up.

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