Tay k x comethazine

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In which taymor and his bae argue over who copied who

Tayk: You so got your rap skills from me

Comethazine: You wish 

Tayk: You did who else raps about fish-fil-a's but me? 

Comethazine: I'm sure lots of artist do

Tayk: Name one 

Comethazine: I can't name some randon person this is about us 

Tayk: Oh about you stealing my flow

Comethazine: Please if anything you copied me i mean all my songs are fire 

Tayk: Used to be fire 

Comethazine: Don't make me come over there 

Tayk: Please you ain't finna do anything copy cat

Comethazine: Man get yo super why with the power to read looking tale on out of here 

Tayk: Man get yo sid the science kid looking tale on outta here mane 

Comethazine: That's it i'm pulling up

Tayk: See you there 

Hope ya'll enjoyed (cause i didn't 😂)

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