i'm burning (nsfw)

726 21 3

"Sadie, fetch!" you exclaimed, tossing the tennis ball in the direction of your puppy. She had been so excited to get out and enjoy the day, scratching at your leg until you finally opened the door. When you had, she zoomed past you and ran around your expansive backyard, leaving you still standing beside the door. You picked out a ball, deciding to entertain her by playing fetch. Sadie was young, so she was still getting the hang of games. This often resulted in her completely missing the ball, but today she jumped to catch it and accidentally bumped it over your fence and into your neighbor's yard.

You laughed as she tried to look around for the ball and shook your head at her, promising to be back once you retrieved the ball. You were halfway to your backdoor when you realized what fence it had gone over, Billie and Xandra's. The couple had moved in next door a year ago after your previous neighbor had sold the house. You originally had gone over to introduce yourself and were met with the most beautiful women you had ever seen. There was a chance they had caught you staring, but they had never mentioned it. Both women had flirtatious personalities, making conversations much harder to maintain when you were thinking about the touches to your arms and lower back.

"You're lucky I love you," you mumbled to Sadie as you made your way through the house and out to your neighbors' front door.

The knock earned no response from either occupant and you almost spun around on your heel to deliver the news to your dog when you heard voices in the backyard. The voices undeniably belonged to your neighbors, so you took a deep breath and journeyed around the side of the house to find the gate entrance to the backyard. Once you found the latch, you carefully knocked on the gate and called out a stuttered "excuse me" over the fence. You stood back on your heels as you heard an annoyed sigh and considered going back home until you heard the gate moving.

Billie's expression showed that she was less than pleased to be interrupted, but it immediately shifted into a warm smile when she noticed you. Her eyes seemed to lighten as well as she pulled her hair out from where it had been tucked into the tee she wore.

"Y/N!" she exclaimed, stepping back for you to enter the backyard.

You offered a shy smile and followed her the few steps into the yard. "Hey, Billie. I was tossing a tennis ball around with Sadie and she knocked it over the fence. I had knocked at the door but there wasn't an answer and I heard you and Xandra back here so I came to the gate."

Billie nodded and pointed in the direction she had thought she had heard the ball fall. Your gaze followed her hand and froze as you realized why they had been in the backyard. Xandra was lying topless on a lounge chair beside the pool and Billie's rushed appearance caused you to connect that she had thrown the shirt on to answer you.

"Your ball, sweetheart," Billie whispered in your ear, resting her hand on the small of your back.

You swallowed thickly and nodded in response, moving across the yard as if your feet were made of stone. A warm blush grew on your cheeks as you walked along the pavement trying to keep your eyes from following Billie as she removed her shirt and slipped back into place on the chair beside Xandra. Once you picked up the ball, you briefly glanced back at Billie and noticed that her eyes were now closed. Your eyes momentarily wandered down her chest until you realized what you were doing and you squeaked out a quick "thank you!" before all but running back to the gate.

When you were in the safety of your house, you tossed the ball on the ground and immediately walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Your body was much warmer than it was before you had ventured to your neighbors' house, but you knew the sun wasn't the only reason. Gulping down the water in an attempt to extinguish the warmth in your body, you decided on taking a cool shower to distract yourself.

burning (billie dean howard x reader x xandra) (smut)Where stories live. Discover now