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I was walking towards my locker when you grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall.

My heart jumped inside my rib cage.

And then you asked, ”Why are you avoiding me?”

I’m avoiding you? I asked myself.

“Ella, answer me.” you demanded. You were the only one who called me Ella.

“I-I’m not avoiding you,” I stammered. Curse myself for showing how much you affect me.

“Then why are you not answering my calls?”

“Because I don’t have an obligation to answer your every call. You’re not my boyfriend anymore. And besides, you hate me anyway.”

“Hate you? Ella, you do realize that you are very hard to hate?” I shook my head.

“Well, you are.” You said, leaning into me even closer. “You’re kind. Too kind. And sweet. And beautiful. And intelligent. Just mainly perfect.” You said, stroking my left cheek.

I closed my eyes.

How could you think that I’m perfect when I’m covered with scars?

And if you thought that I was perfect,

Why did you choose to leave me?



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