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If two points are meant to connect because they are destined for each other, the universe will find a way to link them. Even when at first sight, they don't seem positive about each other. Even when the last hope for agreement is gone. Soul mates will always find each other. No matter how long it takes them. How much time and space. No matter how much love they lose. No matter how many salty tears they shed. They will lose themselves, only to find themselves back. They will lose love in order to get it back. Shed tears, just to know that they have feelings and know how to love. Because real love is chaotic. Nobody has control over it. Nobody can protect themselves from it. The greater the love, the greater the chaos. This is what destiny looks like... even if two points in the universe go apart, someday they will eventually come back and stay forever because they will love each other for infinity.

Hi there, I hope you are excited for this translation of an amazing book written by amazing author ossekk . I honestly can't wait for our adventure with this book. Hopefully you enjoyed reading prologue as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Take care of yourselves and see ya soon :33

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