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"Advanced Potions"


September 1, 1996

I was standing on platform 9¾ impatiently waiting for the train, stressing over every minute that passed and was bringing me closer to starting a completely new chapter in my life. I was nervously tapping my foot on the ground wondering how is it going to be there?

How is it going to be in Hogwarts?

I didn't want to transfer schools. That's true. I got used to hard conditions in the old one, and now I was forced to transfer here. Nobody even asked me how I felt about it. God, nobody even warned me that I will have to change school after summer. It was already planned. And there was only one reason behind that decision.

Dark Lord.

I fixed my hair, which had been messed by summer wind and pulled them behind my ear. Long black coat, black pants and a black turtleneck underneath the coat. I looked like I was going to a funereal.

I'm not going to lie, I was scared of this school. In the old one, I barely had any friends. I was alone. Well basically just like my whole life...I didn't want the same thing to happen in Hogwarts. I had to make a good first impression. I had to get rid of a label of a boring, introvert girl that doesn't talk to anybody and spends all the time alone with her nose in books. I'm not as boring as everyone thinks so.

Finally, I saw a huge train, pulling into the King's Cross station. I gulped and looked over to the big watch hanging on the wall.

-Eleven. Punctually- I mumbled and took my trunks coming closer to have a better view.

The train was truly huge. Black and red colours really stood out against dark and colourless train station. Smoke was puffing out of the chimney, rising upwards in puffy clouds and on the red plate was the great text: Hogwarts Express. I smiled to myself, and shortly after the loud whistle echoed around. Students started to run towards the entrance to the train. I didn't want to push myself into the crowd so I decided to wait a bit longer before getting in. I pulled a crumbled piece of paper from a pocket in my pants.

Compartment 11 seat 3 (next to the window)

Stay safe.

If you'd have any problems just show my signature on the back.

-Great. Because it's not like you're going to Hogwarts and I couldn't just get there with you.-I snorted and finally got into the train.

My three big trunks didn't make finding my compartment any easier. They covered my whole view. I walked slowly, taking my steps carefully, making sure not to fall down and embarrassed myself on my first day because I knew that I'm capable of it. I was passing compartments searching for mine when my head filled with pessimistic thoughts. What if it'll be worse in here? What if I forgot something? What if I don't have my wand? What if I left it at home? Did I take it from my bed? Oh God if I forgot it I'm screwed.

NO, you idiot you're holding it in your hand. Stop stressing over it so much, it's just a change of school.

What about my cauldron?

Suddenly I felt myself hitting something hard. My trunks fell to the floor, with me following right behind. My arse hit the hard floor.

Lovely beginning of my fresh start.

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