Unpredictable Unveiling

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 Unpredictable Unveiling

Parrminster was bustling. The chatter of people could be heard from all parts of the city. A man's turquoise eyes searched for gold. They met blue, green, brown, and hazel yet still no gold. The pair of eyes scoured what parts of the city were within sight. The trained ears which shared the same body as the eyes focused on each conversation that passed by ear.

"...Mr. Baker is quite skilled at his craft..."

"Oh, Albert Heissman. I truly am enamored with you!"


"Lady Rose! Please don't tease me."

"...pensive eyes. It was like it was staring straight into your soul..."

The body froze as the ears strained to hear more of the conversation.

"...my husband killed the fox in the end...."

False hope. Below the eyes, the mouth frowned. The striking turquoise eyes caught a glimpse of crimson only to be disappointed yet again by the sight of a falling autumn leaf. And so the body which was that of a man walked through the city. His gait was erratic; at times slow and at other times fast. The man arrived at a convent. He recalled the memory of an investigator's words.

"They found her in a convent in Parrminster."

Clearly the investigator did not know that this man's fair lady was not religious. Though the man found a peculiar peace in knowing that perhaps his lady was here.

The nuns started singing. Maybe his lady had also passed by the convent and heard this lovely melody. It captured the attention of his ears. His eyes he did not need, for music was something he could not see. His mind focused on the one and only thing he saw in his dreams. It was a woman. She would smile and say, "Kieran! Promise we'll find each other again someday."

A fragrance tickled Kieran's nose. It was familiar. His eyes were now very much needed. The throng of people in the city had started to dissipate, granting him a better view of his surroundings. He turned his head. A lock of true crimson hair he was sure his eyes had not mistaken for a falling autumn leaf appeared for a brief moment and disappeared as quickly as it came.

Kieran ran after it. Through an alley, into a tunnel, and out into the woods. Finally, more crimson came into view, then a feminine body. Her back was turned to him although he needed not to see the face of the woman to know who she was. For she was the one he had scoured a whole city for.

Kieran and the woman stood a good distance from each other. An invisible and thin wall of glass separated them. The woman turned her head to the man.

~Gold and pensive eyes~

Kieran didn't move. But inside, his heart pounded. A spark ignited. And he finally spoke.

"I finally found you."

As soon as those words left his lips, the glass wall shattered into oblivion. The woman then turned, a bittersweet smile materialized on her face as she tucked a loose strand of crimson hair behind her ear. "Yes Kieran. You've found me."

The winds blew. The trees swayed. The brook babbled. And two people changed. Finally together. As they promised they would be someday.

A/N: Disgusting.

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