Chapter One

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Suiko Awateru is a kunoichi of the Hidden Mist Village. She is currently rushing through the forest where she could met Mei Terumi and the members of the Hidden Mist Liberation Army.

Then, she was surrounded by a group of ANBU Black Ops of the Hidden Mist Village.

" I know who you creeps are." Suiko said. " You're the Fourth Mizukage's ANBU team, the shinobi tracking unit. But I refuse to get myself being tempted after your Mizukage killed many thousands of live within the Mist Village itself. That's one thing that I never do."

Suiko draw her lightning katana and killed the entire Bloody Mist ANBUs.

Then, more Hidden Mist ANBU were still surrounding Suiko. Suddenly, Zabuza showed up and killed many Hidden Mist ANBU.

" Zabuza?" Suiko asked.

" I'm here to protect you Suiko." Zabuza said. " I'm sure that the Fourth Mizukage will surely meet his downfall as the Mizukage."

" What about Kisame Hoshigaki?" Suiko asked.

" He betrayed the Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist by killing Fuguki and even killed his own teammates." Zabuza said. " He became rogue and joined the evil organization known as the Akatsuki."

" That jerk." Suiko said. " He'll pay for this."

" Right now. We are in the brink of civil war, Lady Mei and the Hidden Mist Liberation Army already trying to stop the  dreaded Fourth Mizukage." Zabuza said as he and Suiko have managed to rush off to safer place.

About several years after the bloody war has stopped, Suiko, Zabuza and Haku encountered Team Seven.

" What are you doing here Leaf ninjas?" Zabuza asked.

" We're asking you the same thing Zabuza." Kakashi said.

" Hidden Mist has not yet fully recovered due to a continous civil war in order to overthrowned the dreaded Fourth Mizukage." Zabuza said. "  Your team better to protect the old bridge builder because Gato hired some rogue ninjas of the Hidden Mist."

" Who are the other two?" Kakashi asked.

" Suiko and my one and only student Haku." Zabuza said. " By the way, Haku is a boy not a girl dumb red eyed buffalo."

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