With Shelves and Books [Fleurmione One-shot]

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Ship/Type - Fleurmione [Fleur + Hermione]

Scene - Library

Rating - Aged 10 and above

Sub-genre[type] - Cute(?)

She stood up from her beanbag, eyes on the book, and started pacing up and down the room. Vaguely she heard a bell ding as the library's door opened...

' "We are speaking of music, madam.", said he, when no longer able to avoid a reply. "Of music! Then pray speak aloud. It is of all subjects my delight. I must have my share of...'

...but Hermione could not find out of what exactly Lady Catherine wanted to be a part of, because at that exact moment, she rammed head-first into someone. "Merlin!", she exclaimed, the book dropping from her hands, before remembering that this was the Muggle world, and correcting herself, "I mean, what in the world!". 

She immediately looked up to lock eyes with the victim, though she found her path blocked by a pair of beautiful blue eyes. 

"Désolé, mon mauvais.",[Sorry, my bad] the woman in front of her mumbled, and Hermione realised that it is a rather beautiful female she has bumped into, a girl about 17, who was now holding out her fallen book to her. 

Hermione took the book from the girl's hands and looked back up at her, meeting an abashed expression, and unconsciously scanned the girl's looks; She had silvery-blonde hair, very fair skin and light blue eyes. Finally Hermione blinked and shook her head before managing to smile. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking... are you French?", Hermione added abruptly, and blushed, embarrassed, as she remembered the girl's words. 

"Fleur Delacour.", the girl offered sweetly with a nod, extending a white, slender hand. Hermione suddenly realized that the girl was taller than her. 

"H- Hermione Granger.". For some reason, the girl was making her feel.... stunned. Stunned into silence, and only with of her looks. Fleur was breathtakingly beautiful, and Hermione could feel a warm tingling in her stomach. 

"Er, 'ello?", Fleur offered with a raised eyebrow, snapping Hermione out of her dream world.

"Yeah, hi. Umm,... I guess we'll meet again.", said Hermione awkwardly, trying to smile and keep things normal. She felt strangely flustered and hot, which was very unlike her usually calm and composed self. 

"Hogwarts.", said Fleur simply, and Hermione looked up from her watch. Glancing behind her to ensure that Fleur was talking to her, she asked, "What?". " 'Oo go to 'Ogwarts.", Fleur explained, and Hermione frowned before nodding. 

"How is it that you-"

"Know you're a witch? I'm one as well, mon amie, and 'ere in Britain, there eez only one school for witches. You seem very.... Eenglish.", came the simple reply, and Hermione smiled. "And also, you're a friend. Of 'Arry Potter's.", Fleur added cheekily, a smile on her face, and Hermione started. "Wow. I knew Harry was famous, but I definitely did not expect that.", she chuckled, unconsciously tracing the spine of her book. 

"Maybe 'e eez. But still, 'Ermione, I think Beauxbatons and 'Ogwarts will be meeting soon.", said Fleur, smiling hugely. 

"But-", Hermione tried to speak, only to pause hastily. 

"And, mon cherie, we shall meet soon.", Fleur added and walked past Hermione, going deeper into the shelved room.

Maybe Fleur did that on purpose, or maybe she didn't and the 14-year old Hermione just heard wrong, because the brunette was very sure that Fleur, just called her honey.

Mon ami - My dear

Mon cherie - Honey

I hope I got my French right! :) Anybody who's French here, please correct me if I got it wrong. I didn't mean it! 

:) Requests, my lovely readers. Or at least ideas. This writer of yours is relying upon it.

~ Clemence xx

PS :  ' "We are speaking of music, madam.", said he, when no longer able to avoid a reply. "Of music! Then pray speak aloud. It is of all subjects my delight. I must have my share of...'

Anyone knows which book this comes from? I think the next line[up in the story] has a clue :) A huge high five to those who got it correct. Comment if you know which book this comes from.

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