Vampire Hunters

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The little me always used to believe that the vampires are not as monstrous as the rumors said. I was the odd one out there but it really didn't matter to me. May be I wanted to prove that my elder brother was wrong or may be I had read too much. However it didn't last that long. 

It only took thirteen years to prove that I was wrong. The loss of my only sibling shattered me into pieces. The creatures that I used to believe to be innocent were not innocent anymore. The hatred grew on me faster than the weed. 

It was never healed. And never will be. Because I choose to hunt down them instead of thinking they were magical.

That explains why I'm standing here. To make them pay. The rumors were circling around saying that the villagers had spotted a real vampire in Oregon which was not far away from our home town. It was enough to tempt all five of us. May be people will say that we were only a bunch of teenagers  with stupid imaginations but it felt real. It took forever to pass the last two days to make it Friday night.

''C'mon move a leg Elisa. Wendy you too. Stick together.'' Rick said turning back. Wendy and I nodded in reply and moved closer. The more we went into the forest, the darker it got. The tips of the Douglas fir almost touched the sky hiding the crescent moon.  

''Rick, Elisa, Amanda you guys go this way. Wendy, let's go this way. Let's meet again at this place in an hour'' Dean told. The torch lights of Dean and Wendy were slowly faded in the opposite direction as we moved forward.

''What are we suppose to do if we meet the vampire. I mean a real one?'' Amanda was whined.

'' Such a cry baby you are'' Rick's hoarse laugh echoed breaking the sullen silence of the wood.

"Hush! God... Rick, the vampire will find us before we find him'' I uttered. 

''yes ma'am'' he smirked and I rolled my eyes and moved forward. The wood was soaked in the silence again. Some unpleasant coldness wrapped around me but my feet kept going forward. Some ominous feelings grew inside me. ' Crunch!' The sound of the stick crushed beneath my boots gave me a mini heart attack.

''Guys.. how about we return to the others'' I asked but no one made a sound. G-U-Y-S.... I mumbled turning back. No one was at sight. My heart skipped a beat. I gulped. 

I beamed my torch light to the surrounding. Everything was still and in order. I realized that I had lost the path and had gone inside the wood. Finding the way back was my only hope. I turned around with my shaky legs trying to find a landmark but every place were identical. It was hard to recognize whether I had passed this place or not. I was lost. Even deeper.  

At some point, the moonlight penetrated through the thick cover of the wood. A little innocent hope was risen in my heart. The thought of getting out of this dark forest echoed in my head. I sped up to the direction of the moonlight.

 ''A mansion?'' I gasped. It was not the end of the wood but an ancient mansion which was hidden in the thick forest. The ivy has grown on it's front; almost hiding it's identity. "Is it abandoned? Should I move forward or turn back?" all those thoughts were eating me. The flickering light of my torch was telling me not to go into the wood again.

"No-no! Damn! Not right now!" the battery died.  It didn't take much time to feel that lousy feeling and unpleasantness. I dug my pant's pocket to take some Vervain out. I felt an icy cold something brushed against my shoulder and the Vervain in my fist slipped to the ground. I slowly turned back to face the thing which touched my shoulder. 'A vampire hunter? I should better call myself a timid rabbit'

His hand which caught my shoulder was now crossed against his chest. They were paler than anything I have ever seen. My eyes darted to find his pale but yet handsome face. The moonlight sneaked through his silky black hair and our eyes got lost in a maze.

'N-o-a-h?' I finally managed to spit it out. He slowly nodded me in reply.

'But.. but.. how?' I stammered. I didn't really know how to accept this. Should I give him a tight hug or flee?

Not a single strand of his hair has changed for all these three years. He still looked like the seventeen year old boy who went missing. He was still the same elder brother with whom I grew up. 

'They said that you rolled down from the hill. They  searched for you. We searched for you for months.' The tears which I tried to hold inside me were breaking it's barriers and were rolling down my cheeks. His icy cold thumb ran through my salty cheeks giving me chills.

"They searched for me?" He laughed. "Those cowards abandoned me when I fell." He raged furiously. His facial expression was scary enough to make me jump. 

''But I learned that you were right. Vampires are not the real monsters. I was in the edge of my life. I never thought I would survive. I had lost too much blood and had broken ribs. But the creature I used to hate came to rescue me. He nursed me and gave me a new life. He taught me how to adopt into this new life. I realized that the life I thought to be cursed, wasn't cursed at all. 

He lowered his face to meet my neck and I felt his fangs pierce my skin in  search of the artery. All I knew was that it was painful. I felt dizzy. 

"Welcome to my world Sister!"

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