The Trainer I

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It was too damn hot for this shit. I walked around the block two or three times before realizing I was on the wrong street. 

I used my palm to rub away at the sweat forming on my forehead and checked Google maps for the address again.

The temperature was 94 degrees when I left the house and it was only getting hotter by the minute. I blocked the sun from my eyes with my arm as I closed out Google maps.

Let me call them. I thought in hopes of someone knowing where I was and how to get to their building.

"Forest?" I heard someone call out.

Yes. That's my name. I'm Forest and I'm 34, brown skinned, born and raised in DC and I stand at 5'3".

Lately, I've been eating well and working out hard. The results from my dedication from the past year were definitely starting to show.

I had a goal to become a women's MMA fighter. I've never done any sports before; well, dance if you consider that a sport, but that's about it. I do play sports every now and then for fun though, and I'm coordinated.

I'm saying all of this because one of my coworkers and good friends Jacob, is training to become a professional fighter. He'd invited me to one of his fights a month ago. 

I watched as he sparred with a fellow fighter, only to pulverize the guy in the end. The excitement and rush I felt from watching their fight was a feeling I hadn't had since the first time I watched a performance from Les Twins, the famous French twin dancers from Sarcelles, France. I fell in love with the sport after that. 

I annoyingly began bombarding him with question after question on how I could get into the field myself. He told me about a new dojo that had just opened up. He mentioned leaving his current one in hopes of joining the Dojo he mentioned to me to train under some spectacular guy.

He kept talking about someone named Israel Adesanya. He repeatedly called him a legend, saying how it was his dojo and how he was the best UFC fighter in the world. He told me about his background in kickboxing, Muay Thai, and all these other styles. For that, this legend earned the name The Last Stylebender, or something along those lines.

To be honest, Jacob really hyped this guy up; he sounded so magical. I was sold. 

I registered online, paid my fees, and signed up for my first class which is today.

So, back to the current day:

I heard my name being called across the street from where I stood. I looked in the direction I heard the voice until I spotted him. I'm assuming the man I saw was Mr. Adesanya himself, standing right in front of me. His torso was peaking out from behind the door of his dojo.

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Should've done my research. It'd probably help to know a little more than what Jacob had told me about him. At least of what he looked like, right?

I looked up at the building, peering at the sign to confirm the name of the school that I found during my Google search last week.

The Last Stylebender: Leaf Village Dojo

Yup! That's the place! I mean, I didn't even have to confirm that by looking at the sign anyway, being that he did just call my name.

I lightly jogged across the street after checking for traffic as he held the door open for me.

I looked at my watch which read 2:11 as I stepped in.

I followed him into the main area. An open and spacious training room greeted me and I took the place in.

THE TRAINER ISRAEL ADESANYA FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now