Author's Note 2 Electric Boogaloo

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You know. I just realized something bad that I did.
I made Eren and Mikasa still adoptive siblings and I made them date still. Excuse me while I feel a little gross about that and my sincerest apologies to anyone else who felt grossed out by that.
This is what happens when a girl doesn't read her own summary for the story she writes.
Also this is a way for me to say I am experiencing quite the amount of writer's block as I try and think of chapter 10 ideas.
I should've made like a plan or something lmao.
Oh well. Hindsight.
While I'm here I will share with you some things I remember planning and then throwing away.
1. Annie and Reiner and Bertolt were gonna be part of a gang called The Titans, this was scrapped for a more realistic plot, or I just forgot about it until I reread it in preparation for chapter 9.
2. Eren and Mikasa were not always meant to date I just threw it in on a whim (and regret it a lot)
3. There was gonna be stuff pulled from Looking For Alaska my favorite John Green book and I think the only thing i took from that was Annie smokes and is vaguely mysterious.
4. Maybe Mikasa and Hitch hook up, that thought crossed my mind.
And now some things that were always planned.
1. Eren supports Mikasa and Annie. In all the fanfics I have read they portray Eren as a bigot and an asshole (which the latter is kinda true, especially towards the end of the series/season 4). I wanted to change that. Having Eren, Mikasa's one safe place in her life and someone she could depend on turn on her seems just so mean to do. So i changed it.
2. However long it took Annie and Mikasa were gonna be in lesbians (or in Mikasa's case, bisexual).
And that's all I have for yall.
I hope you appreciate this rambling author's note.
I love you all, I'm so glad to have yalls support.
Take care.
- Madame Carlene

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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