Goodbye forever

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(People in story: Y/n, Techno, Dream, Philza, Quackity, Tommy, Tubbo)
(You betray L'manberg)
Today is the day. Today L'manberg is going to be gone forever. Only Techno knows my plan. Once Tommy gets here we are going to start the TnT cannons and blow this place up for that last time. Techno calls my name and tells me to tell Dream and Phil my plan.

"As you guys know here is my plan. As soon as Tommy gets here we all go to each quadrant of this obsidian TnT cannon and we place the redstone to power it. Oh and I forgot to mention, I'm betraying L'manberg."

"Alright, we should have a code word for when Tommy gets here. Which he said 5 minutes from now." Dream said

"Ok good idea. Techno you can made the code word because why not."

"Ok. Subscribe."

"... wha-? I asked

"Honestly it works, because it's subtle." Dream stated

"True." Phil said

"Alright T minus 2 and a half minutes before Tommy gets here. Get your redstone at the ready and go to your quadrants." I said

We all ran to where we needed to be and in enough time Tommy showed up early near my quadrant. So I get ready to place the redstone.

"SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I can and they placed the redstone and so did I.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" I  hear Tommy yell and he's pissed. Luckily he doesn't know that I'm betraying him. Dream looks over to me and signals me to go and act like I hag no idea what was happening.

I get off of the obsidian platform and walk over to Tommy, Quackity, and Tubbo


"I geuss they wanted to blow this place up early." Tubbo said while being on the verge of tears

"No, please don't cry Tubbo." I said bringing him into a hug trying to calm him down

"I geuss this is goodbye forever." Quackity said trying not to cry

I pull him into the hug along with Tommy

Tubbo did mumble something but we couldn't hear him.

"What was that Tubbo?" Tommy asked

"Ghostbur, he's here." He mumbled

I pulled away from the hug cursing under my breath

Word count: 371

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