Chapter 21 - Operation Perianca

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Percy Jackson POV

Lemme refresh your memory of me putting my hand around Bianca. You might want to rewind a bit to the night before.

Chaos told us all to go to bed, which I was pleased to hear. I went to shower and clean all the sweat and put on some black shorts and a blue shirt. I tucked into bed and closed my eyes when I heard something.

"PSSSSST, Percy," the mysterious voice said.

It came from the hallway outside. I opened the door to find Selina and Luke and Lee and Zoe.

They all went inside my room without anything else.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"Shhhhhhh," Zoe said. "As much as I hate this idea, better do it then keep up that act."

"What?" I questioned.

"Shut up, Percy," Luke hissed.

A second later, Beckendorf and Nakamura and Castor came through my door.

"Did he do it?" Selina murmured.

"He's coming," Beckendorf answered.

"Here I am guys! Don't worry. She is not going to wake up even if we scream loudly for an hour," Yew said happily. "I can't believed it actually works!"

Some of them sat on the floor and Luke was on my bed. Everyone was ready in their night clothes. Mostly using shorts and a T-shirt.

"Guys. What are you doing here?"

"As you can see Perseus Jackson, your beautiful girlfriend is not here. Yew put a lullaby on her to not wake up and sleep peacefully," Zoe said quickly.

"Percy. Not Perseus," I said.

Ethan smirked, "You denied being called Perseus, but not that Bianca is your beautiful girlfriend?"

"That too! She's not my girlfriend," I said. Maybe sad in my heart. Don't mind that part.

"Not... yet," Luke laughed.

"NO. She's just a friend," I murmured. (A/N Adrien vibes. Am I right?)

Everyone smirked at me. "Are you here just to laugh at me?"

Luke started, "We could do that-".

"OR-," Selina said loudly. "We can get to more pressing matters."

"We're here to help you get Bianca," Lee smiled.


"You obviously like her. Bianca may be smart, but she is dense in these matters," Zoe said. "I don't really agree on you dating a former hunter of Artemis, but if you can treat her right like a queen, I will not kill you."

Persassy says, "Gee. Thanks!"

"So this was my plan. You stare at her at practice, sneak a few glances and talk all weird to her," Selina blurted.

"It's annoying," Ethan started.

"No. It's cute, but yes annoying that you won't just go up to her and ask her out," Selina agreed.

"I do not like her like that," I screamed.

"Honey. As much as you say that. You know that ain't true. You're talking to the daughter of the love goddess. And not only I say that. We came up with this plan because ALL of us notice it. Even the former lieutenant of Artemis," Selina rolled her eyes.

I agreed there was no lying my way out of this. As you all know, I like Bianca di Angelo. She's caring and kind and compassionate. She can be scary when she wants to be. Sweet and amazing. Being really beautiful is just a bonus.

I yelled. "Well. Maybe I like her!"

"That was the confession we were looking for, folks! Phase one of Operation P. E. R. I. A. N. C. A. is compete," Luke exclaimed.

"P. E. R. I-wha?"

It's P. E. R. I. A. N. C. A. Short for Percy Entering Real Intimate Association Next Candid Affection. And shorter version is Perianca," Selina said happily.

"Who's Perianca?"

"You dummy. Well, half of it is you the other half is you know who," Luke said.

"Wait. You don't mean. No no no," I groaned.

"Yes yes yes. You love her. Even if you won't admit  it fully. Maybe it will take some time for you to accept that, but you should ask her out sometime," Beckendorf said.

"That was deep man. Are you here just to say that?" I asked.

"Dating a daughter of Aphrodite, she rubs off on me," Beckendorf smiled.

"At least stop acting weird around her. I know the human expression 'stomach butterflies.' I am sure you get it, but at least try to act smooth and be a little more secretive on your crush until you want to tell her," Zoe said.

Everyone agreed and all told me a few tips.

"Perce, just tell us when you are ready and we will help you one step at a time. That's what friends are for," Luke said.

Everyone eventually went to bed. I think I really do love Bianca di Angelo.

Just before Selina left, I whispered to her, "When are we doing Operation Zuke?"

"I ship that too, but Perianca is my OTP right now. I'm still scared Zoe will slit all our throats in the middle of the night," Selina said.

They really just told me to act like buddies and normal to Bianca. Treat her just like how I would treat anyone in the army like.

Time Skip

I woke up and took a bath. Brushing my teeth and putting on a white T-shirt under the Chaos Army uniform. I was still thinking about what happened the previous night.

Don't mess this up Percy. I ate breakfast still thinking about Operation Perianca. After Chaos came hand in hand with some coffee, Bianca said something about a patch we have on our right sleeve.

I checked to see some dual swords crossed. I saw everyone got different ones.

Chaos said, "Okay everyone, I am supposed to give a super good speech of not dying and don't mess up. You can do it and bla bla bla."

I kind of looked at her with a what-I-thought was dashing smile at Bianca with finger guns. She saw it and smiled back.

So, bad start Percy. Zoe gave me a 'seriously are you that stupid' face. Luke facepalmed.

These guy seriously are like the parents of the group. Every little mess up they scold us or something.

After Chaos explained the emergency button badges, Beckendorf led everyone to the forges. We thanked him bunch for the balanced weapons and somehow ended it with  group hug. Chaos ended up in the hug as well with his flickering male female form.

Remembering the advice about treating Bianca like anyone else in the army and not being weird, I pictured her as my bro. Kind of like Luke, and I put my hand around her shoulder.

It was an awkward moment I hope she will forget. "Let's kick some monster butt guys!"

As everyone went to the training room for more details, Zoe hit me behind the head with her new bow and Luke gave me a playful punch.

"Perce. What was that?"

"I said last night that until you accept those feelings and until you are ready to tell her, act cool about it. Bianca might get the wrong idea that you are trying to murder her. You act really strange around her."

They exited like parents after scolding a child. They say that to me and Operation Zuke is not starting yet?

Yes. Let's plot our revenge people!

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