The Earth and Solar System

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The Earth is in a shape of a round ball which is flattened at the two Poles. The Earth recieves its warmth by the Sun which is five billion years old. The most hottest planet is Venus. Even though Mercury is nearer to the Sun than Venus, it's hotter. The reason is; Mercury has a cover of a thick, cloudy layer which protects it from the Sun's powerful heat. 

The Earth was created a long, long time ago. At that time, only the Sun was in survival. Not even the planets existed. When the Sun blasted once, the gases erupted from it. The gases collided with each other. For many days, this was the happenings in Earth, colliding and revolving gases and the burning Sun.

Then it was so that all the gases collected together is spheres. They all formed shapes of a ball and revolved the Sun in perfectly wonderful shapes. The path in which the planets revolve is known as an orbit. An ort of every planet is not of the same shape or size. Each planet has its own orbit's shape. Everything is unique in the space.

So it happened that there were plenty of rains and the rains created oceans. Soon enough, sea-animals appeared in the oceans. There were many animals, harmful, and not harmful, beautiful, and not beautiful. 

The Solar System doesn't only include planets and Sun and Moon, but it also has stars and galaxies. The galaxy in which our Earth is, that galaxy is called The Milky Way. The Milky Way includes millions and billions of stars. When these stars have used all their hydrogen, they burst in to red giants. Red giants are burning hot of red colour. Then they shrink into a small white dwarf. But it does not stay for very long. It only stays for some minutes or hours.

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