Prince Hwang

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Hyunjin was sitting atop a large throne as he watched a few of his guards walk in, his father dragging across the floor behind them.

Seeing them made a smile creep on his face as he stepped down from the throne and sauntered across the room while his Cape extended behind him while he walked. His smile died down as he looked at the guards and waved them off. "Chan, you may go and see Changbin. I have big things planned for today," Hyunjin said, while he crouched down to his father's level while he looked at him and scoffed.

"Twenty years and you never let me out of that dreaded room. But now you are running from me?" He said and cocked his head to the side. "You know killing me would have been easier for you to handle." He said while he let his hair loosely fall around his face. Hyunjin then stood up and he called over his head guard with a small wave of his hand. The mage had almost seemed to appear beside Hyunjin if someone had blinked a little too long. Jisung had bowed once Hyunjin turned to look at him as the older prince smiled at him.

"Thank you Jisung. Maybe we can find a prison for the King? He won't be needed for a very long time. Just make sure he won't be heard from, can't have the kingdom in a panic." Prince Hwang said as he took the crown off of his father's head and placed it on his head then gave a dissatisfied look before he threw the golden crown across the room.

The mage seemed to have a slight smirk on his face, and he looked over at the older prince. "Of course, your majesty. Maybe a black crown with red jewels to beautifully contrast with your white jewels?" Jisung smiled as he was about to vanish before Hyunjin had held up his hand to stop the mage.

"Nevermind we should make the kings fall public and make sure they know who is king." Jisung immediately smiled as he turned to the window. "Whatever you would like, my prince." He said and waved his hand as the king vanished into smoke.

"The king must have loved seeing you today and not allowed to speak." A voice spoke up from behind Hyunjin as he smiled and turned, his eyes bright as his gaze landed on Changbin, his war general.

"General Seo, we shall talk about our later plans another day or maybe another time. I am busy with the king right now." He looked away from the general a small click from his shoes.

Hyunjin had left the few men alone in the room as he crossed the stone floor and went up a stairwell.

The soft tap of his shoes echoing with each step he took. Hyunjin stopped as he entered the room at the top of a tower, he ran his fingers over a wooden dresser, his fingers picking up a bit of dust as he watched the small particles fall as he rubbed it off.

"What a pitiful room this is. Three years in a dungeon really took its toll on my sleeping chambers." He said to himself and he rolled his eyes. Hyunjin went over and tapped his bed as dust came off of it. "Maybe the maids won't mind cleaning this up before bed."

The prince had then walked and stood in front of the mirror in his room as he fixed his hair and tied it up in the back with a white bow as he turned on his heels and left the bedroom. "Someone clean the room up, please? It's hard to breathe in there now."

Hyunjin loved the feeling that overcame him as he had his father, the king, kneeling before him like a common peasant. As Hyunjin walked he remembered the pure power rush that took over him as he looked down and crowned himself as king. He simply couldn't wait for that pure rush to come back as soon as possible.

Oh, how slowly would the time come where he'd be the only ruler

Only Hyunjin only his most loyal servants and no one could stop them ever.

When the time finally came Hyunjin was standing on his balcony as he could see the entire kingdom and watched as they left their homes and looked onward to the middle of the town. Hyunjin wore a crown on his head as his hair was still tied up and he smiled.

Hyunjin could see the sun starting to set as he had a sickening smile grow across his face. "May the show begin..." He said just loud enough for the guards around him to hear. His mage was the first to respond to his words.

"Your majesty maybe this may help your voice project to the people? Just put a drop on your lips and everyone should hear you loud and clear." He said and handed him a small pink potion. Hyunjin gleefully applied it to his lips and giggled a bit as he looked at the people of his kingdom.

"Seungmin bring out the former king to the middle of the town square and bring Chan with you someone needs to have some muscle." He said as Seungmin rolled his eyes and huffed. "Your wish is my command then," Seungmin said as he waved over Chan and the two headed to the dungeons.

Hyunjin then took this time to speak to the people as he smiled and placed his hands on the railing as he tightly wrapped his fingers around the cold metal. "Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for coming to my special day. The king will be ecstatic to see how you all support his burden of the family." He waited a moment as he clapped as he saw his faithful assistant leading the way with Chan behind him dragging the body of the king.

Seungmin and Chan stepped on the platform in the center of the ever-growing crowd as they turned and bowed to Hyunjin. The power rush had returned and this time was stronger than ever for Hyunjin. "Everyone your sorry excuse of a king," Hyunjin announced and he turned and sat down on the throne that was placed on the balcony.

Hyunjin could almost feel the excitement flare-up in him. Countless years of planning just for this day to finally come where he can exact his revenge on his father for the years of torture he endured, the years of neglect, and years of being told he'd only be the cause of the crash and burn of their beloved kingdom of Levanter.

"Say goodbye to your king." Hyunjin said as there was a fire behind his eyes while he watched his father be pushed down into a wooden shackle that would keep his hands and head from moving or trying to get away.

Hyunjin looked down at his father as he watched Seungmin take a torch off of the street post and drop it down onto the hay that was spread out under and around the King. Then for the first time that day, the King had spoken and it was a blood-curdling scream for help as the fire danced around his body and wrapped itself up and into the robes he wore, leaving kisses onto his skin before it slowly spread onto the kissed spots.

Hyunjin watched in delight as the fire seemingly danced around the man and soon and slowly was consuming him, muffling the screams and cries for help and leaving a pitiful sight surrounded by gorgeous warmth of reds, yellows, and orange.

"The coronation of Prince Hwang has begun... Say hello to the king."

Hyunjin walked to the front as he made sure both Seungmin and Chan got away from the blaze uninjured and safe. The mage Jisung soon joined Hyunjin's side and placed the black crown on his head with a smile as he whispered. "Well done time for plan two my King."

Hyunjin wiped his lips of the potion as most of the kingdom had run upon the sight of their beloved king burning and the screams that just fueled Hyunjin to continue his journey. "Yes bring Changbin right away." He said and smiled, while he quickly went back inside and straight to the throne room to sit in his rightful place where he belonged.

"You'll be mine soon Little Fox he said as he sat and waited for the arrival of the war general Changbin.

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