Ice Queen

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Jeongin could only sit there with a huge smile on his face and giggles leaving his lips every few seconds. His head was placed on Felix's lap as they sat in a garden with Jeongin's personal guard Minho standing not too far from the two boys while keeping out a watchful eye.

"You know you're allowed to smile right Minho?" Jeongin said while laughing a bit, he quickly hid behind Felix's arm as Felix laughed slightly as well. "My Prince my job is to protect you. Not have fun on your adventures sadly. That's why you have Felix." Minho responded and gave a weak smile.

Felix rolled his eyes. "Just come over here before he cries, Min." He said, as Minho huffed and walked over and kneeled beside Jeongin. "My Prince I'd hate to not protect you at my fullest, so please nothing covering my eyes?" Minho said as Jeongin soon placed a crown made of flowers on the guards head

"There it's the perfect size to not fall into your eyes while you work Min!" Jeongin said happily as it made Minho smile as he looked at the young prince. "Well thank you. I'll wear it till I can no longer."

Jeongin smiled happily at his words while a small frost spread around the young prince as Minho backed up to his original place by the door. "Jeongin control before you frost over the whole garden, I worked hard for you," Felix said as Jeongin took a few breaths as the frost melted slowly. "Sorry..."

Jeongin looked at the bit of half-alive flowers surrounding him as he hugged Felix tightly. "I'll try to control it better I promise." He whispered before he pulled back and stared down at his hands with a huff escaping his lips soon after. "Maybe I should stay in my room still?" Jeongin suggested as he looked at a flower that had died from the frost.

"Absolutely not Innie your room just makes it harder to be used to excitement and all of your strong emotions that's all," Felix said as he brushed Jeongin's white hair to the side with a small smile on his face. "Plus what would Minho's job be then? He hates guarding the king but don't tell anyone that." He continued as Jeongin laughed soon followed by Felix's laughter as well.

To Jeongin everything felt perfect almost as if he had hit a euphoria in his life, as he was just with his friends and having the time of his life doing something so simple. Jeongin looked at the sky and smiled softly before he had noticed what almost seemed like smoke was coming from the east side of the garden.

Jeongin rose to his feet as he went over to the wall and he heard Minho yell for him to get away as he stood up on a bench to peek over the wall slightly only catching a glimpse before the stomps of the guard came from behind and he was lifted back down to the ground.

"That's enough outside my Prince lets get you inside and washed up now then we can sit downstairs?" Felix said as he grabbed onto Jeongin's hand once Minho had set him back onto the ground.

Jeongin hesitated for a second before he spoke, "But what's happening out there Lix?" his voice was soft as the smaller male was practically dragging him back towards the castle. Jeongin didn't make a fuss as he just followed behind him and kept looking behind him but all he could see was Minho walking close behind him.

Jeongin was brought down to the basement where his bedroom was as Minho stayed by the door and Felix walked in with him. Felix quickly brought over a wet cloth from the bathroom and wiped off a few dirt smudges on Jeongin's face.

"Oh, how did you get so messy Innie?" Felix said as he laughed a little then finished cleaning up the bit of dirt as Jeongin smiled awkwardly.

"You know you don't have to do that for me Lix I'm an adult now. What are you gonna clean my face when I'm king too?" He said as Felix nodded his head as the two laughed. "Oh, little fox how you grow up so fast," Felix said and cupped his face.

"I'm just a year younger than you shut up." He rolled his eyes and flopped down onto the bed behind him and huffed. Jeongin looked at the door while he held up his hand a small spiral of frost swirled in his palm before a small iced fox dropped onto his hand.

"You're getting better at these Innie. There's so much detail in something so small, it's amazing honestly." Felix said as he gently picked up the small ice fox and he smiled. "But wait here maybe get changed and I'll be back with something sweet for you now." Felix left the room soon after saying that.

Jeongin sighed softly as he stayed in his simple clothing of pants and a shirt hanging loose, going almost to his mid-thigh since it was slightly too big. He walked around his room for a few seconds.

He sat in thought of how the kingdom had started to look as part of him was fairly startled by it. A small amount of frost gathered under his feet with each step. Jeongin found it hard to keep himself distracted from the thoughts that something may be wrong in the kingdom he called home.

When thinking of it, he never knew of any kingdom that would attack or even if any saw them as a bad kingdom. He himself had never made any prince or princess angry with him at balls or parties he had to attend to.

Before he could be deeper lost in thought the door opened once more as it snapped him back to what was happening around him. He turned to the doorway and it almost felt like his breath was forcibly removed from his lungs.

He saw no one there but his father staring down at him. "Come quickly Jeongin Minho and Felix are waiting for you now." He said while holding out his hand which Jeongin quickly went over and grabbed onto his hand.

"Father what's happening?" He asked while his father remained silent. He soon began to pull the young Prince down a hallway deeper into the basement until they got to a small door that had opened up to a small spiral staircase.

The king and prince began down the stairs as Jeongin helped to support his father as they went down. Jeongin could hear yelling faintly from the upper levels of the castle whenever the pair would pass a vent.

Jeongin paused as he saw Minho and Felix waiting for him in front of a metal door. "What's happening, father?" Jeongin said as he turned to look at his father and he simply smiled at his son before kissing his forehead softly.

"Stay safe with Minho. I love you." That was all he said before leaving back up the stairs. The young prince turned to face Minho as he grabbed onto his hand quickly and hugged him quickly.

Minho pets Jeongin's hair and hummed softly. "It's okay honey. Let us get somewhere a bit safer okay?" He said and lead Jeongin over to a metal door that looked like a cell. "I know it's scary but Felix will be in there with you and I'll be outside the door." He said as Felix opened the door.

He walked inside the room and sat down on the floor while Felix closed and locked the door and sat down next to the prince. "Innie please freeze the lock and hinges please?" Felix said as Jeongin got up and touched the lock and a bit of ice was sticking out from the lock and hinges.

He then went back and sat down as he put his head against Felix's chest. "Lix I wanna go to bed again." He muttered and covered his ears once he heard a scream from the stairwell. "Father?" He said while he went to stand up once more but Felix pulled him back down.

"Oh, Little Fox! Where are you?" was all Jeongin could hear in a singsong voice from the stairs, "Your father can't stop our love now." it continued.

Minho had taken out his sword as Jeongin hid his face in Felix's chest once more.

"Jisung handle the sword thing for me?" The voice said as there was a metal clatter of the sword. Soon Jeongin panicked and he touched the floor as he quickly tried to make a small wall of ice as there was laughter.

"How cute an ice fox..." The voice said. Jeongin saw the ice slowly turning red by the bottom of the door as he screamed and the ice quickly shattered. He looked up and saw a pair of blue eyes and dark hair in a small ponytail.

He was holding a flower as his eyes sparked red for a moment and grabbed the handle, the handle turned red quickly as he pushed open the door. "You're mine now Little Fox."

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