Battle with a blonde

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As Izuku was going towards UA he slightly picked up his pace seeing that he was going to be sort of late. He reached his classroom and socialized with his friends and other classmates finding rock-hard manly man, Kirishima to be one of the friendliest. As this was happening everyone heard loud footsteps. "huh?" "what's so heavy?". were a few words heard from the classroom before the door was broken down and someone glowing of justice shining brighter than blue flames, a symbol of peace. ALL MIGHT HAD ENTERED THE CLASS. "Woah all might?!?!" "he's gonna be teaching us??" "I'm so glad I got in!!!" were some more words heard throughout the class.

"Hello, future students! and hero's in training!, IT IS I ALL MIGHT!", said all might. "Woah his outfit is so retro I'm getting chills!", exclaimed a yellow-haired fellow. "it's really all might!", someone invisible exclaimed with awe.  "Today we are doing..... HERO TRAINING!", said all might with a pause to play on the excitement of the young hero's. "Woah really!" "Finally something worth my time..." said an explosive blonde. "Well, students. as they say! the clothes make the man and your clothes I myself envy! so let's get going and you students get changing!" all might said with his natural charisma.

As we all went into the locker room and started to put on our hero costumes. I really loved my costume in short, it was simple and good-looking. I wore a light green and pink hoodie which had a trench coat-like hem. On the back of the unique clothing item was a four-leafed clover which faded into a darker green at the end. For my pants It was a light green fading into dark green, it had 2 light pink lines at the start of the waist which went down to the dark part splitting into four branches before fading just at the end of the calf. I also wore a mask that had 3 light pink stripes going horizontally on a light green background. 

... ok maybe not that simple but at least it looked cool. Bakugo chose to comment on my costume telling me that I 'looked like a drug dealer'... Well, he wasn't that off but it was still mean!

"Ok students! follow me to beta training ground F!", All might yelled once again. We all followed him, when we went through some huge gates, let me emphasize HUGE gates we were looking upon a deserted city.

"Ok, then students! today will be our first actual hero training. We will be doing hero versus villain battles. The villains will have this explosive device *he points towards the nuke* and they will hide it on one of the floors in this building were standing next to. Heros and villains both will use capture tapes to incapacitate others and will be fighting in teams of 2, the teaming will be decided at random by picking out names through this box so take turns." All might instructed not screaming this time.

Iida forced us all into lines except bakugo who just picked first. After around 6 minutes we all had picked the lots.

"Ok, everyone open the pieces of paper you have and group up with the person who has the same letter as you", All might said with his glinting teeth and confident smile

after a few minutes, everyone had gathered with their team members.
(same as canon)

I got teamed up with Uraraka. I started walked towards her

"Hey, looks like we're a team", I said to her.

"Yeah, I wonder who we'll be up against", she thought out loud.

Right then and there I saw the golden bar above her head disappear...

"Okay, young students! the first match will be young Midoriya and Uraraka VS young Bakugo and IIda!", all might said whilst still smiling.


So, jinx actually affects people's luck? good to know I guess...

Uraraka slightly paled.

"Uraraka are you all right? it's not that bad of a match-up", I calmly explained.

"No, you don't understand! my quirk isn't combat based but it isn't support-based either! I can only make objects lose their weight or go in zero gravity, how will that help?!", Uraraka nervously explained.

"Ok, team 1 is going to be young Midoriya's team and team 2 is young Bakugo's. Team 2 is going to be playing the villains while team 1 is the hero's", All might calmly explained.

"Uraraka it's going to be fine, I'm sure we can come up with some strategy.", I once again said.

"Team 2, enter the building and place the nuclear device on any of the floors. Be quick." All might said seriously.

As we were instructed we went to the front of the building and waited around 15 minutes before we heard all mights voice.

"GET READY TEAM 1 AND 2! THE EXCERSIZE WILL BEGIN IN, 5, 4, 3, 2 AND 1 GO" All might said loudly.

Just as the countdown ended me an Uraraka went in the building. Just now it occurred to me that... we did not have a plant. Not even an aim. So thinking quickly on my feet I said to Uraraka,

"Im pretty sure that the best way to get to the bomb will be to split up, but not completely. I think we should stay relatively close to each other so if anyone gets the jump on us, the other can go to help" I quickly gave my opinion.

"The nuke will most likely be in the center of the building since it would take the longest time to get there if we either went from the bottom of the building, or the top" I said.

"I mean, yeah youre probobaly right" Uraraka said with a hint of nervousness.

I nodded "lets go"

We started ascending the stairs and after we reached the first floor, we split up.

I was exploring the building and had already ascended three flights of stairs, suddenly I heard- 'CRACKOOM' 

the sound of an explosion. 

'Oh, damn Katsuki! Hes on my righ-' was all that I could think before I saw Bakugo throttling towards me with the force of his explosions.

"DEKUUU!" He screamed at me and started to throw his signature right hook.

'Hah! I knew you would start with that!'

I brought out invisible providence and directed the hands to grab onto Bakugo. Thankfully they did easily.

I saw the look of surprise on his face and grinned as I threw him to the floor.

You might be wondering why I didnt use love train. The reason to that is because love train takes more stamina to maintain over a long time.

"Kha!" Bakugo coughs as he smashes onto the ground.

"Shit, Deku! since when could you do that!" He once again screamed like a psychopath terrorist.

"None of your business Bakugo!" I screamed right back at him

He grunts and then throws some small pellets around the room.

'The hell are those?'

As Im looking at those small white pellets Bakugo launches at me with the sound of explosions.

'Hah! another right hook'

I try to do the same thing I did with invisible providence he pushes his right hand backwards?

'Damn! a fein-'

He repositions himself with the explosion from his right hand and tries to hit me with his left.

'that wont work, I still have love train!'

Just as I am about to activate love train I hear explosions behind me.

'What was that!?'

I look behind me and just at that time, Bakugo lands his hit. Then an explosion from his hand aswell.

'Ah Shit! Damn that hurts' "OW OW OW!" I shout in pain.

Bakugo grins, "I figured out that you need to concentrate to activate that damned quirk of yours, thats why I threw those exploding pellets as a distraction!"

He finishes his monologue and goes in for another hit.

the problem for me is that, I heard nothing from that. My ears are ringing and my vision has black and white spots everywhere.

I look towards a wall in my disorientation. 'There was a speaker there, Im sure of it'

I activate love train without even knowing what was happening. Hey! what would you know. As luck would have it, my ears and ringing anymore, my vision is fixed and my disorientation is gone.

Bakugo hits a bar of love train and all of his sweat on his palm has dried up, such luck!

Not all is well though. Having tanked the explosion to my head and my use of love train, my stamina is low. The prevention of another explosion to my head also lowered my stamina.

Luckily, I still have some adrenaline left.

"Tired so quickly Deku!? should have worked out more!" the blonde psychopath screams once more.

'I still have invisible providence left!'

I try to hit Bakugo right on his ankle to disable him and Bakugo... Kicks it away!?

"I know youre wondering how it did that nerd? See all this dust I kicked up while kicking your ass? It moves when anything moves in it. Doesn't matter if its invisible or not!" Hes still grinning.

'My head hurts... I guess... flashy quirks... arent unbeatable after all...'

"Well then loser, you should go to sleep since all that thinking must heard your head. Night!"

He proudly screams at me and pulls a pin on his weird... grenade bracer.

and then suddenly *CRAVKCKABOOM*

and black.

"Huh, I guess all the blondes in every world are as powerful as me", an american sounding man says.

"W-who are you?"

End :)

I once again forgot this existed and the fact wattpad was banned in my region for a while was why I didnt update this fic. I lost some inspiration too so thats why. Ok then. Comment If I should continue. See you.

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