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note: i don't know the exact smell of a ramen house and how it distinctly smells like so pardon me if i have mistakes. this is also not proofread.


"seems like you grew stronger over these past few years, kasumi-chan." a familiar voice grinned, few meters away from her.

"haruchiyo." she whispered, astounded.

and this was the very first time they saw each other again after seven years.

he seemed like a new person, kasumi thought, as he stand before her with confidence, wearing an expensive purple suit, lavish chains and jewelries, with pink and neat necktie that matched his rosé colored locks - he had a mullet haircut that extends on his shoulders. and this time, he wasn't wearing a face mask. he grew even more... handsome after all these years, and she was lost in her own little reverie, for she was astonished to see the same man seven years ago who had no confidence because of his scars, someone who looked so meek and calm change into this.

"take him, and make sure he won't be able escape." sanzu ordered his men behind him, hurriedly walking to grab the groaning man on the ground, deliberately waving his gun in front of her, and there, she saw it.

bonten's insignia.

of course kasumi know what it is. who doesn't know bonten? everyone on japan knows it, probably even people from other country too. they are the notorious, top criminal gang who was involved with a lot of crimes -
gambling, fraud, prostitutions, and murder. and all she knew was that each member of the criminal organisation had the tattoo, but she never knew nor expected that sanzu would be part of it - he just doesn't seem to be the type to kill people or to be even involved with dangerous crimes.

but then again, she knew nothing about him.

azure colored orbs stared at her mahogany colored ones, "why is it that our paths always cross when you're being harassed by some random men, kasumi-chan?" sanzu smiled, as he stood proudly while putting away his gun at the moment.

"its just the two, you know. either i'm a magnet for lunatics, or its just that men will always be men." she chuckled as she picked up her ID and her purse that was on the ground. her laugh was still a melody in his ears. they both stared at each other for a minute - silence, untold stories and emotions are filling up the air, suffocating the both of them. after all, they both shared a genuine and heartfelt night talking their hearts out under the moonlight when suddenly, kasumi disappeared and they haven't even talked with each other for seven long years.

"uhm," kasumi croaked out, "thank you, once again for saving me earlier. although if you didn't came, i would've just tased the fuck out of him before he can lay a finger on me again. it was nice to meet you though, haru. goodbye." she stated, faint smile written on her face before she turned her back on him and started walking towards her car. the girl didn't even gave sanzu a chance to speak what was on his mind.

"hey, kasumi." she heard, but before she could answer and face him, he was already facing away from her, pacing the path towards his extravagant car, cold shoulders given to her so she thought that she was just imagining and hearing things.

this night for kasumi was definitely tiring and it didn't went as planned. she needed a break so before she drove her car, she texted her friend, kaoru, that she'll be going home already and that kaoru shouldn't drink more. the night had a crisp, fresh autumn breeze, city lights that swiftly fade into round and illuminated phosphenes, the faint revving of cars that harmonized with the low melodic sound of kasumi's radio. it was relaxing. she decided to stop by at sugoaku, a ramen shop that she always went to after work and when she's stressed.

"kasumi-chan!!" nahoya beamed as kasumi entered the shop, the smell of distinct pork and butter, along with the salty aroma of beef in the air -  perfectly combining with each other, piqued kasumi's palate. she saw a familiar figure sitting down who looked over his shoulder, who greeted her with a warm smile as he offered the seat next to him. he had black streaks over his lilac colored hair, and he was wearing blue and loose polo shirt.

"mitsuya-san! didn't expect you to be here." kasumi bubbled as she sat down next to mitsuya and ordered her favorite ramen: spicy tonkatsu ramen.

"aren't you supposed to be on your company's after party, kasumi-san?" souta asked, as he prepared her order.

"well, shits don't go as planned and-"

the bell on the door rang once again, signifying that someone came inside the store. two tall individuals who looked weary came into the sight- blonde colored locks tied up into a ponytail, simple flower barette adorned her hairstyle, she was wearing a plain black turtleneck and high-waisted denim jeans, lavish belt that was all topped with long, black exorbitant coat. she looked tired, but she was still pretty underneath the fluorescent lamp. next to her stood a tall figure who wore a gray colored coat, white simple turtleneck and black corduroy pants. he has a clean, royal blue crew cut hair, with a shaved hair art on the left side of his head.

their worn out indigo eyes lit up as they saw the people inside the shop - yuzuha running towards kasumi for a hug, while hakkai enthusiastically walked towards mitsuya.

"didn't knew you guys were here. when did the two of you arrived?" mitsuya initiated the conversation, as he looked over yuzuha's direction.

"that's the thing, we just arrived here and i'm having severe jet lag, but hakkai insisted to straight here." yuzuha groaned as she massaged her temple. hakkai sheepishly smiled at them, all while their orders are being served to them. all six of them conversed with each other, curiousity filling the air as time passes by quickly. kasumi told them what happened that night, except the part where she met sanzu haruchiyo. she didn't know she purposely left that detail out, so she just shrugged it off.

it was getting late, and the television that was plastered on the wall had news about bonten's crime. kasumi pursed her lips as she remembered her encounter with bonten's number two - an information that she doesn't know...yet. while she was watching the television, she didn't notice mitsuya who was looking at her intently, trying to read her actions, because he himself knows that she has something that she didn't say to them.

"hey, kasumi, i'll let you know if there's a vacant job on our company." yuzuha suggested, breaking kasumi's reverie, and mitsuya's stare. "or maybe you can go work with us you know?" nahoya babbled that made his brother scrunch his face. "yeah sure and let her burn the whole kitchen down." souta teased that made kasumi furrow her eyebrows and pout.

"i remember that, she managed to burn the pasta while she was boiling it." mitsuya chuckled, while hakkai piped in too, "or when she burned the brownies she was baking?" making yuzuha chortle.

"okay! i get it that i'm a bad cook, but i can bake now, chill." kasumi defended herself as she stood up. "but thanks a lot, guys." she smiled, and bid her goodbye to them as it was getting late already.

when she got home, she instantly cleaned and flopped herself onto the bed and its not long after she dozed off.

𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚, 𝙭𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙮. | 𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘻𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘺𝘰Where stories live. Discover now