Follow My Lead

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The reaper had finally heard the loud creaking noise of the old rusted door.

"That's our cue, get in position. Don't screw this up." The older had said.

"Yeah, yeah I get it." He replied.

Death made his way outside of the house making sure to close the closet door with all of his weapons.
He walked up to the guards and made small talk to make them seem less suspicious of him.

"Hey, Ann was it? Did you get that extra thick toilet paper I asked for, hmm? You know I have a sensitive bum." The reaper said batting his eyes at the head guard.

"Don't play dumb, I've been supplying you for years now. And no one wants to hear about your ass. Just cut to the chase and tell me what you want."

As Ann was talking, 6 of the other guards had went to supply the run down house.

"Guess it's time."

Behind his back he made hand gestures for Hoseok to read, telling him when to shoot.

He readied his scythe preparing to attack.

When he made the last signal to shoot. He quickly took out his weapon and began slashing at the head guard.

She swiftly took out her own blade and began making counterattacks.

"So this I want you've been up to!"

Another guard took out his sword and began to strike the reaper.
In which he dodged by doing a sweep kick.

The other guard then fell to the ground when an arrow pierced through his chess. He began screaming in agony.

"Where are the arrows coming from!? Soldiers go investigate!"

Three more soldiers left her side but just as they were about to reach the old house more arrows had pierced their skin leaving them lifeless.

Smiling to himself, he easily took about the last three soldiers. And went to go look for his companion.

He opened the doors to the old house and walks inside seeing the cold blood on the ground.

He climbs the ladder to the top of the house and is met with his sniper.

"Hey partner."

"Are they gone?"

"Yeah there gone, but we better get outta here before the higher ups realize they're gone."


The two boys pack some necessities in a bag and then head out the gate.

Just as they're about to leave, a corpse on the ground falters their path holding on to death's ankle.

Death looks back with a icy cold glare and says.

"Let go."

"You, you bastard, you ungrateful fool. Look what you've do-."

"I said. Let go!"
Death yells, kicking the half dead women and walking towards the gate.

The two of them make their way outside the gate when Hoseok asks a question.

"So. . . Do you know how to get me back home?"


"Really?" The human says exasperated.

"Said you'd help me if I helped you get out! And now you're telling me you don't know how to get me back home!"

"That is where you are wrong." The reaper chimes in.

" I said I would spare your life and that's it. No if's, ands, or, buts about it. I told you what I would do, and I did it. Nothing more, nothing less. You're on your own now."

"You're a bitch!"

"I've been called way worst. You can keep the arrows if you want but leave me alone." He said, putting his hood over his head once again.

"Fine then... I'll figure out how to get home myself."

"Good for you."

And with that the grim reaper had left the human to his own accord.

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