The Queen of Hearts

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As the sound came closer, people started to flee. Some stayed and brought out weapons. I looked at Simon, worried,"what's happening", I asked, fear very clear in my eyes.

"We need to hide you, now!", he grabbed my hand and ran with me for a while until we reached a cave. There were mushrooms, big and small, around it. "Stay quiet", he ordered. He walked in, I was following behind him.

"Why are we here?", I asked, this was all to confusing. I had mixed emotions about Wonderland, curious, frightened, and such. I sat down on the ground, looking up at him.

The hatter sat next to me,"remember that dream you had?", I nodded. "Well, the Queen is out to get you, because you are a great threat to her and her throne". He sighed,"you grandmother was also a threat, she thought she defeated the queen but she wasn't the one to do so, only one person can. And that's you".

I was shocked at what I just heard. I tried to process this but it was to much to handle,"are you sure? I mean I might not be to one". I played with my necklace Grandmother Alice gave me.

He shook his head,"your the one, definitely", he said. Then a woman's voice echoed through the cave, bouncing off the walls. Simon looked panicked, he grabbed my hand as the voices came closer

"My, my, you've grown up so beautifully, Nina", the voice said,"you might've forgotten me, I'm the Queen of Hearts"...

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