Chapter 1 : Brace For Impact

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The airplane was filled with sleeping gas. The last thing I heard before passing out was, "Thanks for choosing MINOS Airlines," although I didn't quite remember it when I woke up.

But at least I did wake up, head hurting. The first thing I woke up to was a bag, one which wasn't mine or my partner's. It wasn't there before. Most of the passengers were knocked out, except for exactly six of us. I didn't know if that was my paranoia... but six was a very familiar number to me. And with no doubt, to the five others, too. My partner, Phoenix, held my hand tightly, looking around for a way out.

"This is happening again, isn't it?" they asked me.
"Phoenix, look at me. We defeated the game. Why would it come back to us now?"

I put my right hand on their cheek, and looked deep in their eyes.

One of the few people I actually liked was Phoenix. My love.

Phoenix looked right back at me, and said, "But what if you're wrong this time? What if—"
"Listen to me. You know I'm never wrong."

Two of the flight attendants, a short man, and a woman about my height who didn't very much look like a woman, but rather a little girl stood up uneasily. One of the flight attendants stammered, and went to the pilots' door, and banged on it abruptly, thinking it would do anything. Pathetic loser.

"Hey! Hey! We're stuck here!" he said, banging on the door.

Worst part is, the airplane was still going.

He opened the door, and saw that the two pilots were asleep.

"Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit!" he said, closing the door.
"What is it?" I asked.
"The pilots are asleep! We're gonna crash!"
"Then why did you close the damn door?!"

I tried reopening the door, to no avail. It was locked.

"Shit," I breathed out shakily.
"MINOS," the girl said simply.
"This is the third fucking time!" the short guy said suddenly, making the other flight attendant jolt.

The short guy started kicking the window in a panicked state.

"Ben! Ben, stop!" the girl said, also panicked.
"Jesus, guy, would it kill you to stop? You're freaking everyone out!" I asked the impatient asshole, now known as Ben.
"What'd you say?" Ben stopped, and looked at me.
"What, you think this is easy for us? I bet you've had it easy."
"Had it easy—"
"I bet your rooms were just full of fun looking stuff at first right? Well, we had it the hardest. Me and Phoenix? Shit went down, man. Kitchens full of blood, bathrooms full of shards? Fuck. It was gruesome. I saw it on the news, I saw it all. Couple of pool tables and trains. Fucking trains! And a bank, a fucking bank!"
"I didn't think—"
"No, you don't think very much do you?"

The second flight attendant, with the name Sadie B. on her name tag spoke up for the first time.

"I-I think we should all calm down..." she stuttered.
"Excuse me, what was that?" Ben asked.
"She said we should calm down," the first flight attendant said.

I sat down, exhausted.

"Anyone wanna introduce themselves? It would be good for teamwork. I-I'm Zoey Davis," the younger girl was now revealed.
"Yeah, uh, Zoey," I chuckled, "here's the thing... We're fucking crashing! And this guy closed the door, and now it's locked!"
"Hey, Kelsey!" Phoenix said.
"Fine! I'm Kelsey Clementine. And this Phoenix Evans. Happy now?" I said bitterly.
"I'm Ben. Ben Miller."

Everyone was soon saying their names. Dasher, the one who purposely closed our only chance at surviving, and Sadie Blossom.

"Did you just say Sadie Blossom?" I asked the flight attendant, questioning her name.
"Long time no talk," she said.

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