Chapter 4 : The Beginning of The End

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As I was stumbling on my now wrapped leg, the remaining of us walked down some steps, and climbed up a ladder, leading us outside.

"Is it... is it done?" Ben asked.
"I doubt it. Probably this is another test. Brace yourselves for acid rain," Zoey said.
"Oh, there won't be any acid rain this time," Dasher said casually, as if he knew exactly what Zoey was talking about.
"How would you know?" she asked.
"How would I know? I don't think they'll put twice the same thing, that's like putting the same question twice in a pop quiz."

The voice spoke again.

"There is one thing you need to get. The key. Only one person can get it. You cheat, someone dies. Follow the rules correctly, and you will win the game."


Suddenly, it was raging thunder, and we could barely see anything, because of the heavy rain.

"I'm going in," Ben said.
"Ben, no!" I yelled over the rain, "I've lost Sadie and Phoenix... I can't lose you, too."

And in that moment, we both... understood.

"I'll be safe."
"Will everyone just stop playing hero!" I yelled.
"It's that or death, let him go!" Dasher yelled over us.

Ben ran away towards a big ladder, one which led to the top of something.

Suddenly, he fell, but gripped the bar.

Zoey had a flashback.

'Well, I have this, uh... weird loyalty thing for people who saved my life.'

"I'm going in after him!" Zoey yelled.
"What?! You might die!" I yelled back.
"I have this weird loyalty thing for people who saved my life! And he's saving ours right now!"
"...Be careful!"
"I will!"

She ran towards the ladder, and climbed up it. The first few steps, it was fine. Almost too fine... until lightning bolts threatened to strike her, but she was dodging them perfectly.

"Zoey, what the Hell are you doing?!" Ben yelled to her.
"I'm saving you!"

As Zoey took his hand, I felt a pang in my chest, although I didn't know why. I had never felt this before.

She put him back on track... when lightning hit her chest.

"No..." Ben whispered. "No, no, no, no!"

Zoey lost balance, and let go, falling down a 48 feet cylinder.

"Get the key, Ben, get the fucking key!" Dasher yelled, completely (once again) oblivious to the fact that one of us had just died before us.
"ZOEY!" I yelled, and ran towards her.

I knelt down beside her. No breathing, no pulse.

Ben got the key, and knelt down beside her, too, while I was at her other side.

"We need to bring her body back," he said.
"We do. This is the least we can do for her," I said.


'Congratulations. You have won the game. Please follow the green light.'

Me, Dasher, and Ben followed the green light to an entrance to an old abandoned club.

We lay Zoey down on the floor. I mean... where else would we put her?

I sat down on a chair, and Dasher joined me, while Ben went to find a way out. We won the game.

"So we won the game," I told Dasher.
"Yes, we did," he replied.
"No. We won the game. You led us towards each puzzle... and we won the game."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I think you know exactly what I mean... MINOS."

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