Chapter 3

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Tobias awoke to the quiet clatters of metal. Ears being well trained, he was positive he was hearing blades clinking against each other. He quickly lifted his eyelids and took a peak in the direction of the sound. Atlas cluttered around in the small bag he had brought, and to his avail, he pulled out his five viper blades. Light spilled into the dark room as Atlas activated the automatic door and left, blades in hand.

Tobias had known it all along. The kid was in with Xalees, of course he was scum. Tobias jumped out of bed and grabbed his own blades. He trampled over Atlas' floor bed to get to the door and rushed through the dead white hallways to find where Atlas had gone. He could be in any of his team's rooms right now. Tobias waited to hear the bloodcurdling scream of deep surprising stabs, but it never came. The sound of automatic doors opening revealed a tired Chance, behind him, Atlas. Tobias got ready to wring the boy's neck. "What are you doing? Get back to bed, now!" He harshly whispered through gritted teeth. 

Chance put a hand on his shoulder. "Relax, Tobias. We're just going out to practice. I told Atlas I'd  take him when he was going to grab his stuff last night." The veil of anger lifted and Tobias felt like a fool. Of course he was going out to practice. His head screamed at him to cool his jets and take a deep breath. 

"My apologies..." Tobias rubbed the back of his head and made an attempt to hide the small weapons in his hand. He turned, eager to get their eyes off him, and took a few steps back to his quarters before Chance's voice spoke up.

"Hey, you could always join us. We'd love your advice, right Atlas?" Tobias felt a little relief when Atlas nodded his head without seeming fake. With a little aplomb, Tobias agreed and made his way to the training room with the two.

Atlas was twirling a blade between his fingers while him and Tobias watched Chance perform a variety of different aptitude required tricks with a battle spear. Unfortunately, the Viper's signature weapons were blades. Otherwise, Chance would dominate all in his path. 

Tobias yawned. "Atlas, show me what you got," he pointed over at a set of huddled up target dummies. 

"I don't think I'm read-," 

Tobias interrupted."I didn't ask, did I? I want to see what you can do." He patted the kid's head and gave him a shove towards the dummies. The poor kid was shaking as he slid a blade from the black holder on his wrist. He watched Atlas take a deep breath, close his eyes, and let the blade slip off the tips of his fingers with a mighty thrust from his arm. It sunk handle deep into the dummy's head. Tobias gave a thumbs up and watched Atlas throw blade after blade into dummy after dummy until every target had been impaled. Amazing. Atlas turned his gaze back at Tobias and wiped his forehead, waiting for approval.

"Not too bad!" Tobias clapped his hands, receiving an amicable smile from Atlas in return. The performance reminded him of himself at age twelve. The others in training lacked the precision and impeccable technique. He remembered when they brought in live targets to slay, bags over their heads, blatantly muffled by tight rags over their mouths. The matter was simple really. Send a blade into one of their heads, and earn a spot on a team. Some of his piers stood aghast and refused to do such a sordid thing, but Tobias had already made the bags on their head stain red by the time they backed down. Now, through his stringent training and self exertion, everyone on the starship knew his name. And here was a boy with the aptitude and attitude to become known to everyone who saw him. 

Tobias cut out his daydreaming and held out a hand for the laudable performance. Atlas ran to him and high-fived it, clearly giddy with excitement. Chance yawned from the side and took a look at the bright red numbers on the clock on the side of the training room. Time for breakfast, and the three had worked up an appetite. Chance took his leave, Tobias following behind. He felt a hand from behind grasp his shoulder. Atlas was standing with all his happiness drained, a blade in his hands.

"I guess now's a time better than ever. I have a message for you." Atlas sneered. Tobias could feel fear gripping his chest as he turned around, not afraid of the boy, but his words.

Atlas cleared his throat, "Dawn has risen, and the snow has melted." He strode past Tobias. "Anyways, hope we can train again soon!" He returned an innocent smile to the Viper's leader. Tobias stood as if he were frozen, or his boots were stuck to the floor. The Toxalian Code... If Atlas had de facto told him what his ears had perceived... He had to obey the code.

Tobias drained his stored of fortitude into his mind and body as he ran through the crowded starship. People grabbed at his arms, begging for perhaps a picture or his photograph in which Tobias shoved them off of him. He came across two large black doors that emitted a heinous energy. He took a deep breath and pulled his fierce facade back on to circumvent any possible signs of weakness in front of his host.

Dawn has risen, and the snow has melted...

Tobias flung the doors open and made his entrance. The inside of the room was as dark as the doors themselves. The silhouette of a figure sat on the throne, faint candlelight flaring from both sides of room. Two golden faceless masks hid the identity of the guards that stood by the entrance of the throne and Tobias wondered if they were dead for as still as they stood. He stopped in front of the throne, genuflected, and looked at the void colored floor. Everything was dark like an abyss of death.

"When the sun sets, and night appears, only fire will remain." Tobias spoke the second half of the  Toxalian Code. He kept his eyes fixed on the floor. The silhouette stood and took long and slow steps towards Tobias. He knelt down and put his mouth close to Tobias' ear.

"Good..." Xalees crooned with a deep, satisfied voice. Tobias had to internally slaughter every piece of any emotion. There were to be no surviving pieces. 

Xalees got to his feet and strode the other way, picking up an old watering can. He gently carried it to a bed of white roses and thoughtfully sprinkled them with water.

"Tobias?" He mumbled.

"Yes, lord?"

"I'm a tired man."

Tobias got to his feet and gripped the brand on his arm, an ache setting in. "I don't understand."

"Tobias, you and I...are the same." He set the watering can down and sauntered across the room, gazing at the ceiling in anticipation. "We've worked our entire lives to be great. Of course, we succeeded because we're not like the others...We're strong. Do you think that the weak should rule?"

"No, my lord." Tobias gazed at the mumbling man, wondering if he was alright. Though, darkness still shrouded him and made his face unknown. 

"Exactly." Xalees grabbed a torch from its holster, amber light gleaming from it. "But, it some places, the weak are ruling. The weak are ruling and think they are just, but they don't truly understand success."

"Where are you getting at, my lord?" Tobias watched him pick two of the best roses in the flower bed. 

"Tobias...When dawn rises, and the snow melts," he threw both white roses into the air. "The truth can be seen. The fire burns away the deceptions of the people." Xalees chucked the torch towards the roses, the petals catching fire. Xalees smirked and went back to Tobias, laying a cold hand on his now burning shoulder. Tobias was trying to contain his groans of agony as his the brand on his arm flared with unbearable pain. The white petals of the roses left the stem and flew to the ceiling, twirling in a synchronized dance with the passionate blazes of the fire. The event seemed to never cease as Tobias fell to his knees.

"Tomorrow, you are to fly alone to Trostirex and slaughter their king. Wear the mask and be the leader you were meant to be, my Viper." Xalees slid something into Tobias' hand, though he wasn't sure what as his vision blurred and interfered with his senses. The guards drug his body from the room. The last thing he saw, was the irritating face of his doom. Atlas.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2021 ⏰

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