Niki x reader pt 1

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Y/n 19 years old

Niki 19 years old

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off it was 5:30am I got up to start my day I pick some clothes and turned on the shower while I was waiting I feed my cat Lucky I went back to the bathroom and got in the shower. After I got out of the shower I made breakfast for my self then went to work at 6:30

<T I M E S K I P>

I got home around 6 in the afternoon I feed Lucky and checked phone to see I got a dm from Austin: Hay Y/N it's Austin and I was wondering if you wanted to jion my love or host tomorrow @6 let me know if you want to jion and I'll send you a link to to jion.

I checked my schedule to that I was off tomorrow and sent him back that I can join after that I put down my phone and went to playing piano after a while I checked the time at it was 7pm so I was scrolling through my DMS to look at what Austin said I looked at the dm he sent me and said the person who was "looking for love" was a cute girl named Niki but also named Nihachu I looked her up on Instagram to get a little bit to know about her and I saw the she was already fallowing me :0 I fallowed her and started haveing a conversation

Hi Niki I'm supposed to be on the love or host Tomorrow and I didn't know my Friend know such a hot girl

Hi Y/U/N I never know Austin had such a good looking friend

Anyway how do the Love or host work?

If you look at some of his videos they should explain it

ok bye



I went to my room to wach YouTube and see how the love or host works it seemed pretty fun I looked at the time to see it was 10pm so desited to got to sleep but befor I did I tweeted " tomorrow 6PM ill be on @nihachu lover or host" I put my phone down and went to sleep 

T I M E S K I P 

I woke up at noon I feed Lucky and took a shower I came out and made my breakfasts even thought it was noon, I got finished my food put the dishes in the sink and cleaned the dishes and started the dish washer it was about 1 in the afternoon so I decided to wach one of Niki videos. Lucky had crawled up into a ball on my lap I hadn't release I fell asleep to Niki's videos she has such a cute and claiming voice wait did I just call her cute what ever no I didn't

T I M E  S K I P

I had woke up at 5:30 pm I ran to my streaming room tured on my PC and got ready I had 10 minutes left so I joined the call turned off my camera and muted my self till Austin told us to turn on are camera are cameras and unmute 

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