The accident

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You and your twin brother Simon are getting ready for school when you hear on the news that Heather Watkins had been murdered, and that the murderer was Ryan Torres known as Skull Mask Killer. You turn of the tv and go see if Simon is ready, you both get in the car and go to school. You get to school and see that your friends, Deena, Kate, Sam, and Josh
are waiting for y'all. "Where have y'all been your 10 minutes late, Josh says" sorry, I was distracted by the Heather thing on the news. Kate says "yeah I heard this town is cursed by the witch Sarah Fier" Deena says "come on Kate you really believe in that stuff, I mean do you guys believe in the curse" Simon says "yeah obviously I believe in it, people aren't just going crazy and killing" Kate says "Simons right" whatever guys let's just go to class.

You all say bye to each other after school and all are driving home in separate cars except for You and Simon. *Meanwhile* Sam is driving by herself and gets into a car accident and her car swerves or the street into the woods. *she steps out of the car and falls onto Sarah fiers grave* *she feels metal but doesn't think much about it* She hears someone shouting "miss are you ok" *the police get there and take Sam to the hospital* *You get a phone call about it and then tell the others and y'all meet her at the hospital*

*To be continued*

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