Chapter 3: Consider It

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Chapter 3: Consider It

Crowley was bickering with Aziraphale about how he might catch a cold out here,
until Crowley sensed extreme pain and agony nearby.

Crowley looked around,
but all he saw was a woman dressed in a lavender dress with sky blue lace-work and blush pink accents.

"Do you sense it too?" asked Aziraphale

"Yep" Crowley said flatly "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, she looks fine."

"Well I'm going to go check" Aziraphale stated walking over to the woman,

as Aziraphale approached he saw her face,
the woman had galaxies for eyes that seemed to faintly glow,
and her features were sharp and cold,
and to top it all off she seemed to almost radiate pain and fear,
the kind of fear that if you were around it too long it'd make you do mad.

"H-hello" Aziraphale stammered "are you alright? You seem... Distressed."

The woman looked at him calmly sipping her hot chocolate,

"Do I?" She asked
"i suppose it is my general demeanor..." She spoke,

she didn't want him to know she had been following him all day,
or that she lived eternally like him.

"I- your eyes are... " Aziraphale paused "strange"

"They're contacts" Azeria said,
which was the best excuse she could think of.

"Ah- ok, i- erm guess I'll go then" Aziraphale sputtered promptly speed walking back over to Crowley

"Im lucky he was too stunned by my shadow aura to figure me out" she muttered to herself,
chugging down the rest of her hot chocolate.

then she left before the angel and demon could try to figure out what she was.

she didn't need to stick around anyway,
Azeria had found her answer,
demons could love.

she flew off keeping this new peice of info in mind.

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