The Love Shot

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(Y/N) manages to reply normally, despite the very attractive girl sitting in front of him.

(Y/N): Madison? What a nice name.

Madison Swift
Race: Caucasian
Age: 17
Occupation: High School Student
Relationship: ???

Madison smiles.

Madison: Why thank you! You should thank my mother. She gave it to me.

(Y/N): I should! Hahaha!

(Y/N): I want to shoot my foot.

Knowing that he gave a weak reply, (Y/N) quickly thought of a new icebreaker to moisten the dry conversation.

(Y/N): So, how did you know my name was (Y/N)?

Close enough.

Madison: Oh yeah! I met your friend yesterday. I think his name was Dereck. He was telling me how you were wanting to meet me!

A chill ran down his spine after hearing that.

(Y/N): Oh, did he?

That chill turned into heat as (Y/N) was plotting to murder his best friend. He tightens his fists and cleverly hides his clenched teeth with a fake smile.

Madison: Yeah, since we're all juniors and everything. Might as well get to know each other, ya know?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah! I agree!

The conversation naturally died out.

That doesn't mean it felt any less awkward...

After exchanging glances and sitting in uncomfortable silence, Madison decides to give the stale conversation another shot.

Madison: So, (Y/N)...I noticed you during the physical fitness test and playing football. You were doing SO well!

(Y/N): Oh, you saw that?

Madison: Yeah! You chucked that football to the end zone! That was so awesome! Have you ever thought about joining varsity?

(Y/N): Um, well...

Madison: Are you thinking about going college or eventually going pro?

(Y/N): Eh...not really. I don't like sports...

Madison's excitement shifts to confusion as she raises a brow.

MAX SUMMIT: Black Swan (Male Reader Adventure)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora