How The Hell Did We Get Here First?

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"Maddie... How the hell did we get here first?" Glancing at her as we exited the ship, I tried to calm the storm in my chest. She, on the other hand, puffed herself up and gave me a wicked grin.

"I overheard his conversation while he was on the phone."

"How?!" Cate stomped her foot, only receiving a sly chuckle in response.

"Magic~ Now, I think this is the place they were talking about..." Pausing just outside our stolen, or as Cate liked to put it borrowed, vehicle, we scanned our surroundings, taking in the large building we just so happened to park on. It was large enough to have a sufficient roof for our needs, made out of fine white brick, and the whole place practically screamed rich. Not really sure if it was a house or not, all I could really tell was that it was located in the middle of a city and there were tons of cars sitting out front, all around an actual red carpet, which probably meant there was something major going on inside. Other than that the bustling city continued to do just that, people in everyday street clothes passing by out front, seemingly oblivious to whatever was happening inside. Distantly, I could make out the sounds of violins.

"Are you... sure? It doesn't seem like anything life-threatening is going on..." Cate sounded a little too disappointed as she took in the rather peaceful atmosphere, and I shot her my best eye roll before heading over to see if the roof access door was locked, part of me hoping it was.

It was not.

The music got louder as soon as it swung open, the faraway sound of people talking drifting up the stairs with the sweet melody. Maddie and Cate walked up to me, ready to start heading down, but I quickly blocked their path, my chest constricting. "Wait... Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

"Sarah, you're the one who sped up the ship in the first place!" Cate gestured behind her, and I nodded, then shook my head.

"I know, but..."

Maddie seemed willing to hear me out, putting a hand on Cate's arm to keep her quiet for a moment. Collecting my thoughts, I bit my lip, then continued.

"I just... I'm not sure... I don't really know why, but something feels off." Maddie's face twisted up as she thought, Cate's brows furrowing, but when neither of them said anything I slowly moved out of the way, rubbing my neck shyly. "Maybe I'm just crazy..."

Giving me a small grin, Maddie threw an arm around my shoulder, escorting me while Cate bounced along behind. "Well, if you're crazy, what does that make us?" Relaxing just a bit as the tense air around us turned into something more familiar, I grinned softly.


"Hey!" Cate poked me in the side, causing me to shift away as I giggled under my breath. Maddie laughed along with it, releasing me to race ahead and check around the corner. Luckily, it seemed like all the fun was elsewhere, the upper halls abandoned for what awaited further down. We didn't pass a single soul, our only other companions the paintings that decorated the walls, each one of another important looking person draped in reds, golds, and blacks. When we finally came upon a room connected to the main one below, I couldn't help but draw back and take a look over the balcony. Cate and Maddie didn't notice, carrying on.

"Maybe he's going to come beat up some corrupt politicians."

"Cate, I don't think he'd use the Iron Man suit for that."

Deadpanning, I glanced over the sea of people below, all of which were dressed in their finest wear, the only two colors black and white amongst the pillars and statues I was fairly sure were made out of pure marble. Then again, I knew nothing of architecture, other than it was nice to look at, so I couldn't prove anything. My friends didn't notice my absence.

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