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as we where chanting i heard smashing at the back of the bus guess who it was it was those sunnyvalers throwing glass at the bus deena saw it too and who was in the car? sam. deena had enough of the bullshit telling kate to grab the cooler "1...2..." kate looses go of the cooler"deena your nose!" she dropped the cooler on the car the car swerving of t(e road into a crash) as i was trying to help with the cooler i also went with it flying out the bus. "Y/N!" simon calls out, i pass out. i wake up to kate slapping my face i quietly say "ow kate that hurts" i try to get up asking where sam is seeing if she's okay, i crawl down to sam and deena, deena trying to get sam out the car i crawl over to sam then zone out

a girl

being hanged

a cave

"ITS YOU" she says

a book

a map

a grave.

simon comes up from behind me taking me out of the zone hugging me tightly i crawl in to his arms "love you need to go to a hospital" you /look around asking him "did you see her?the witch?" he replies "y/n love you need some rest"

the police get to the crime scene nick goode was a close family friend he was like your older brother which is unlikely because your a shadysider and a Slater but he didn't care he loved you like a little sister, he ran up to you pulling you in for a hug " y/n what happened" he looked at you covered in blood "uh i fell out the bus" he pulls you in for another hug "what are you like y/n,but we have to take you to the hospital" "no nick i'm fine i promise" he kisses you on the forehead "please dont get hurt y/n i love you like a sister" you nod then walk to simon he hugs you putting your foreheads together "cmon there's a first aid kit in the bus"

time skip—

you deena simon and kate get to the hospital you are hugging kates arm trying hard to stand up. the woman at the front desk said "fill this out and sit down" deena unturupts "i need to see someone" "visiting times shuts at 9-" kate says "tell nurse betty she has a patient" (5 mins later) "beddy long time no see" "see your still tagging along with this moron" he looks at simon "she cant quit me beddy i'm way to pretty" he looks at you walking closer to you "you need to be checked up your bleeding out" i nod asking "can i stay by deena i dont want to be by myself" she nods putting your bed by sams you and sam where friends so she was fine with it beddy checks up on you stitching all of your wounds up while sam and deena where arguing everyone had to stay the night because of my ingurys kate josh and simon waited out side simon worried about you.

while sam and deena where arguing you was on the verge of falling asleep as someone walked in "good job we get out of this shit hole tom-he looks up at me "walking over to me sam stopped him from doing anything to me he touched my head getting blood on his hand rubbing it on his shirt after 5 minutes of yelling we heard gargaling we looked to see peter a knife going up his torso i let out a scream skull mask going straight for me deena hits him down with a long poll we ran over to kate simon and josh "SIMON" i yelled grabbing his arm he ran while kate and josh stood still she screamed josh grabbing her arm we all ran to a ambulance skull mask followed us as i jumped in he stabbed the back of my leg "YOU BITCH" i kicked his face taking his mask off ryan torres with a bullet wound "simon and deena say behind me "what the fuck.." i kick him again kicking him off the ambulance kate takes us to the police station simon and deena carrying me before me and simon go in i kiss him "if i die i just want you to know i love you simon kalidova" he replies "y/n i have loved you since we where 13"i kiss him again before going in.

he waits outside with kate and josh meanwhile i was with nick he ran up to me he saw me limping "oh my god y/n" he grabs a first aid kit he stitches up your leg to stop the bleeding he hugs you "what happened?" "the hospital i saw ryan torres he ran past everyone else but targeted me.." "y/n..are you ok" "no nick no.." he gets a pastor it's 911.

time skip—

simons pov

i went to go take a piss when i heard a girl sing i walked up to her "hey are you okay?" she looked up at me with a big scar on her face after five minutes of her trying to kill me she put her blade up about to stab me gunshots "SIMON CMON!!" i yell at him.

y/ns pov

me and simon run back to the ambulance "GOGOGO" we drive back to deenas house "SHE SEEMED NORMAL!" "SORRY TO LET YOUR HOPES DOWN BUT NORMAL BITCHES DONT BLEED BLACK FUCKING BLOOD!" deena replies "SHE WAS NORMAL UNTIL SHE ATTACKED ME WITH A FUCKING RASOR BLADE" josh speaks "wait a rasor? "yeah for like old time shaving but in this case" josh interrupts "slitting her wrists...was she singing something like a oldie like a oldie song?" "jesus wingman how the fuck do you know that'

"this is ruby lane the girl who attacked you" "holy shit" i say "she sang as she killed her boyfriend her friends and then she killed herself slashed her wrists" "jesus, why didnt i see this on the news" kate says "because it happened 30 years ago,1965" josh walks over to his board grabbing all of his old newspapers "ruby is one of shady sides killers,just like skull mask i mean ryan torres, look 1978 16 years ago tommy slater....' josh stops in his words and looked at me you could see tears in my eyes "my brother was kind he was possessed i loved him so much it wasnt his fault" at this point i was balling my eyes out, simon hugs me and kisses me on the forehead, josh carries on"1950 harry rooker local milkman slashes a bunch of house wife's,1935 humpdy dumpty killer,1922 billy barker,1904 grifter guts girls and on and on it happens in shadyside over and over normal people turn into phycos" simon slowly grabs a piece of paper and says 'jesus look at this guy" "thats the pastor, cyrus miller 1666" josh replies.

i run out to the sink spitting up blood i start to cry simon follows me and says "i know this is going to shit but when this is over i will give you the night of your life" i smile at him "okay loverboy" i kiss him then look at kate shes jumping with joy about you two she has beeing trying to put you two together when we where 9. josh says "this is all connected to sarah fier" i get the flash back of the girl

a tree

a book

a girl getting hanged

a cave


a grave

i came put of my trans "i saw her.. she her the witch" josh says "when where?" "the crash" kate drives us to the crash denna says to kate and me "i can't believe your wearing that" kate replies i can't believe your unloved wearing it when we are in the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are after us" they look for sarah's bones for a couple of minutes they find it i pull from the ground "chains?" kate says si mon replies "not just chains" everyone says oh shit josh says "its her its her grave" simon says 'oh no oh no 0h no this is bad this is really bad" "no wonder the witch is pissed at us i'd be pisssed too, y/n disturbed her grave " she says scared for you a twig brakes behind us 'did you hear that?" simon ignores and says "hold up hold up shes mad because we disturbed her grace how about we undisturbed it and put her back to rest!" "that's so stupid" deena replies "that's genius josh says" "ya in poltergeist!" another twig brakes 'okay whatever lets just do it quickly so we can go" josh stands up making sure no one is around, we where trying to find something to cover up her bones with when i touched her bones again "ITS YOU!" i see her again" josh calls out "guys i think there might be someone in the woods we were too focused on burying her bones i stood up by the car we could hear someone running he ran towards me it was the one and only tommy slater my brother, he stopped i stood still waiting for my fate but he dropped the axe "y/n..."

tommy pov

it was her my sister i loved her i ran towards her i dropped my axe i took my mask off tears streaming down my face "y/n..." she pulled me in for a hug i loved her my little sister y/n at this point she was hysterical crying "tommy..."

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