DSMP- Snow

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(This is a literal alternate universe thing, still takes place in dsmp but Techno didn't exist up until the beginning of this story, and because of his non-existence some things in the plot were changed and nobody remembers him like he remembers them, so prepare for some angst especially with Phil)

Techno wakes up to snow falling around him and the frost touching his arms, nothing to cover his feet or hands from the cold. He sits up slowly with his hair clinging to itself, a tangled mess, and the crown buried in snow beside him. He stands and loosely pulls the cold metal crown over his head where it sticks to the frozen strands of hair. The sword at his hip had fallen from its sheath so he picks it up from the snow before making his way down the mountain he found himself on, pain shooting up his legs and arms from the frost.
Almost to the bottom of the mountain he spots a house very similar to his own, yet the darker materials are off-putting. He forces more energy into his steps and runs to the cottage. He puts weight on the door, struggling to open it through the ice, instead opting to climb through the window overlooking the porch and locking the wooden shutters behind him. His body shakes with the pain in his feet and fingers, so it wasn't much of a thought before he lit the fireplace, only ever focused on the new warmth. The fire sparks by his feet as he practically collapses down beside it to warm himself finally.
Techno stirs from his sleep, hitting his arm against something as he moves. He slowly opens his eyes to a blade pointed at his throat. Swiftly he grabs this stranger's feet and lifts them out from under him, causing him to fall back and slam into the stone floor still gripping the sword tight. He scrambles to his feet as his opponent groans and jumps back up themself. Techno grabs the sword off his hip and the two point their weapons at the other, daring them to move. Silence fills the room as the two stare each other down, Techno's eyes widening slightly in realization of who he was looking at,
The masked man steps closer, still pointing the sharp weapon at him.
"Who are you?" He speaks, more as a demand.
"What do you mean who am I? Don't pull that on me, it's Techno, what are you doing here?"
"I should be asking you." Even behind the mask he seems threatening.
"This is my house!" Strangely this reminds him of a certain blonde child from a few months ago. He shakes the thought, 'Stay focused.'
"It's mine..?" Dream ditches this line of thinking and moves on, "Do you work for the Eggpire?"
Techno visibly cringes, "Why would I ever side with them?"
"Pink hair, red on your clothes, the sword, the fact that you broke into my house, all this makes me think you're here to spy for them."
"They have 'empire' in their name, I'm an anarchist Dream." He spits those last words, annoyed with this idea.
"So you don't work for the Eggpire, who's side are you on then?"
"My own. I side with who will aid my goals and destroy government."
Dream lowers his sword and steps back from his fighting stance: "Then I suppose we have at least some commonality."
Techno sheaths his sword and sighs, picking his crown back up.
"So why are you here?" Dream asks again, more sincerely curious.
"I was going to freeze to death and found home so here I am." He goes on, "When did you get out of prison?"
He sounds bewildered, "I never visited Tubbo."
"What do you mean Tubbo?" Techno looks at him again, head tilted.
"... Tubbo is in prison for murdering and betraying those working for and against him, how do you not know?"
Techno stops everything trying to figure out what's going on. Dream waits for an answer, now sitting at the table nearby.
"How about I explain what I know?"
Dream is silent a moment seemingly in contemplation, "Go ahead."
"I had thought you were imprisoned for manipulating Tommy and creating wars across the world. Last I heard you killed Tommy in prison."
"None of that ever happened, I don't know where you're getting this from."
Techno looks down at himself, questioning what's actually happened and what hasn't, or even how he got here, struggling to remember what led up to him being frozen in the snow earlier.
"You okay?"
Dream pulls him from his thoughts, Techno finally observing his environment and realizing this looks nothing like his house on the inside. A table and chairs near the fireplace, a pantry open from where he climbed in before, a ladder to upstairs, and a front door.
"Why does the outside look so similar to my house?"
"I don't know what your house looks like, but it's probably a coincidence." Dream shrugs.
"... Sorry I must have been delirious." Techno keeps a low tone, not liking to admit things such as this, and looks out the window.
The snowy hills over the plain look just like his yet this can't be his house, the oak is darker, interior different, and the extensions Philza added aren't there.
"Philza? What about him?" A hint of suspicion holds in Dream's voice.
"Where's Phil? He must be fine right?"
Techno spins to stare at Dream, giving away his concern over his friend despite the monotone voice he holds.
"Why would you care about him? Whatever history you two had is gone, Techno."
Dream stands and walks over to him beside the window.
"What do you mean?"
"I've fought Phil, Techno, he's not himself anymore, you shouldn't pursue him"
Dream sets a hand on his shoulder, Techno instantly reacting and shoving him off giving a dark look. Dream lowers his arm again, "What were you two like?"
"He's my best friend. What happened to him?" Techno demands.
"He's working for the Egg, he has been for a while, did you not know?"
"No!? Phil wouldn't do that- Since- Since when!? Heh!?"
Dream makes a silencing gesture with his finger to the smile on his mask, "As far as I know, he did it for Wilbur, and now he's.. Basically out of control." Dream shrugs, "The Egg destroyed whoever Phil was I'm guessing."
Techno clenches his fist, thinking this over.
"What happens if we separate him from the Egg? Just trap him somewhere the Egg can't reach him-"
Dream cuts in, "People have tried that with others they loved, everyone has lost something to this egg but so far the only solution we see is destroying it."
"So what are you waiting for? I can find my house, we get the withers, TNT, the hounds, we'll destroy any evidence of that egg ever existing!"
"Doesn't work, it's developed a defence to explosives, turns into obsidian." Dream pauses, "Look, we'll find something eventually, but for now I've tried anything you'll think of, so just relax and defend yourself."
"I don't need to relax, Dream, I don't do that."
"You clearly have a fever and almost died of frostbite, sit down."
Dream presses on his shoulder, making him sit at the table, though Techno isn't happy about it.

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