Changed Gabriel Au (Tea)1)

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If adrien was Gay and His Father accepted him

Au - When Gabriel Agreste was himself Bi ,His father had not accepted him ,When he had met Emily ,He caught feelings for her only...He acted like his father tho...Cold to his son....

Adrien was worrying on how he would tell his father he was gay ,Would he be accepted,There is no way other then him knowing...His father doesnt even check social media! He made a little coming out of the closet video with the Help of Lukas,Lukas Couffiane ,The love of his life ....The world accepted him for who he was ,Except his father...He didn't even know! Natalie was the one who would check Social Medias and today he was telling Jim this...IN PERSON... even tho his Boyfriend was trying to calm him and tell him it will be okay ,He still feared of his Father not accepting him he still feared the coldass man

It was 6:00 pm when he asked his father that he had to tell him something important

The time came and Gabriel entered his room

Gabriel: What is it Adrien tell me I dont have time to waste

Adrien:Father I wanted to tell you....I'm gay!

Gabriel's eyes widened,As he was about to say he got a flashback...

Start of the Flashback

Gabriel:Father I'm Bisexual!

Mr.Agreste:(gasp as his eyes widen) You're a disappointment!

Gabriel: b-b-but-!

Mr.Agreste: Go to your room Gabriel! You'll never be my son!

End of Flashback

Gabriel embraced him in a hug...

Gabriel: I accept you....

Adrien couldn't believe it! His father accepted him!
Since then there bound became stronger then Ever ,Including Natalie...He told them he was dating Lukas Couffaine ,
Since then Gabriel changed

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