Chapter 9

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I've never been so devastated in my life I super sped home in my normal self. I climbed through the window to see if the tracking device worked.
And I can't believe it, it did it really did!! But there was just one problem it needed a password. I heard someone coming in my room. It was my mom so I closed the laptop shut forgetting that I had homework to do, I took out my math homework. "Sweetie I'm sure you've heard you must be really devastated."she sympathized. I started crying so hard that I hugged my mommy. This was too painful to handle alone. I needed to tell mom my secret. Actually would it be so bad if I kept from her I mean it wouldn't freak her out. "I'm fine now mum and I've heard."I said sadly. "Okay come on down stairs I have a surprise for you." She said. I wondered if the suprise would cheer me up cause nothing could cheer me up right now NOTHING! Then to my surprise I saw the best dang two people in the world my dad and my little sister Rosa Valentine. I jumped and slid down the stairs not knowing what would happen if I get down. I squeezed them to death. "OMG!" I said sounded shocked, Rosa you're so grown how old are you?" She said:"I'm eight years old, and we are not just visiting we are staying forever." "Really!?" I said sounded so shocked. "Yes!!" She said. "Really daddy." I said. He said:"Yeah but we can go to vacation in new york in my Condo. Your sister will be bored to death if she goes so she'll be staying with you. "YAY!!" I screamed. We both screamed until both our parent's ear drums collapsed. We rushed to the my bedroom.

Chapter 10
"Okay we're now away from mom and spill it." She said. "What?!" Girrlll I'd never hide something from you." I nervously said. "Your words drag when you're lieing, is it a new boy you know I'm gonna have to tell mom?" She threatened. "No its not a boy. Fine I'll tell just stop with the questions." I said annoyingly. Sometimes I hate how my sister knows me well. "I'm a superhero." I said. She bursted out a laugh and said: "yeah right and I'm president Donald Trump. "I'm serious and Donald Trump is not our president anymore. I think I'm not really into politics." I argued. "Yeah right what can you do?" She asked. "I....... well I can do this." I said. I turned into a blue electrical ant like a hologram or ghost cause I knew how to float. Im not impressed with myself (it was on short notice okay) but she was impressed. "Wow!" She said (amazed). As she tried to pick me up I shouted:"No you'll get zapped!" But she didn't hear me my voice sounded like a Theodore from Alvin and the chipmunks. "Oww!, she cried, why'd you do that?!" I turned into an actual electric blue chipmunk and I said:" I tried to tell you don't touch or you'll get hurt and don't pour water on me or I might die." She gasped. "I'm kidding........oh not."I muttered. That didn't make her feel any better. "Could you turn into anything electrically blue?" She asked. "Not anything, I replied, only animals any animal you could imagine." "Can you turn into a pony please, pretty please." She begged. "Okay." I said. I turned into a pony. "Can I ride you?" She pleaded. "Do you have any metal, phone, spoon, or anything silver on you?" I asked. She said no. "Then climb aboard child." I said (weirdly I might add). "You wanna see something cool." I asked. She said:"Heck yeah!" She climbed on and I flew her around. The space in my room wasn't enough so I flew out of the window and I took her for a tour around the city of Beverly Hills. She loved it.
On the way down I saw Bryan so I quickly went down and turned into my normal self. "Hey I wanna fly even more!" She cried. "Wait this is my friend I need to speak to." I said. "Wait here."I instructed. Then she pouted. "Hi Bryan what are you doing here." I said awkwardly. "Hey Nora! I'm just doing art street art thats it." He exclaimed. "Wow is that the ancient skate board it looks so real." I said looking at it. "Wow how did you know that?" He asked. "I'm a bit of an artist myself." I said. My sister dragged me and said look!! I just ignored her and said:"This is my little sister Rosa, Rosa this is Bryan."I introduced them. Bryan said:"Aren't you the cutest thing I've seen all day." My sister said:"Sup." Can you imagine the embarrassment your may or may not be your future boyfriend says your sister is cute and now your 'bratty' little sister says "sup" that is just rude how about a thank you or "you not so bad yourself". This kid has got to learn some manners. "Look Norie some villains. I wanna go!"she cried. She actually cried. Okay we will go. "Bye Bryan see you after summer vacation." I said sadly. Then I went on as my sister dragged me. "No that I've got your attention, looook!!!" She shouted. Wow! There was this dangerous looking guy robbing a bank and knocked out the bank manager. "Okay let me super speed you home I'll take care of this guy." But I don't wanna go home!"she cried. "You're going home kid and that's that." I instructed. I grabbed her and put her on my back I became a cheetah, I flew her back home in two seconds flat. Then I transformed into Lightning Volt. I super sped back to that alley.
I saw Bryan and said:" Its not safe here that guy will destroy you." "Thank you." He said. What a guy! He's greatful, sweet and when I look at those freckles I remember that celebrity Cameron Boyce. May my celebrity crush rest until dawn we will meet again.
Anyway that guy put the money in his getaway car. Oh he's not going away that easy. I super sped but it was not enough , just wish I could fly when I'm not an animal. I turned into an humming bird with it speed I can catch to him faster than my uncle tried to do a push up (long story). Anyway I caught up to him and I turned into a bee and stung him, turns out that was a BIG MISTAKE. He was knocked out cold I had to drive the car back to the bank and return the money that he stole but I'll keep 5000$ to do some things , hey I'm a hero I deserve a little credit (actual credit) money. So I returned it took him in to the police and then I came back home with the 5000$.
I just fell dramatically on the bed.
"Your computer has been beeping."Rosa said. That's when I rushed on my bed.

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