Chapter 18

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"Nora where do you think you're going?"Rosa asked. "Are you literally serious, you have stayed here at home for 2 days alone what's another day?"I asked. "Well I was with my friend but thanks to her stupid mom they moving to New Orleans. Can you believe that?"she panicked, "now I'm gonna be left alone."she said. "Okay if we are going we'll take a cab."I said trying to see if she'll stay."I said. "Ohh I know what you trying to do you trying to physic me out with that well it ain't gonna work I'm coming whether you like it or not!"she wined. "Well I tried."I mumbled.

"Okay lets go."Cami said. I started packing one of my clothes again, (how annoying) and we started moving.
"What's the tracking device say?"I asked as well walked. "Well we're still far away, there's a long way to go, if you flew us like I suggested we would've been there."she argued. Well does she know how much they both weigh together, like a hundred pounds. "I think we should've taken the subway."I said.
We walked for 2 hours, they
are tired except for me, I'm an athlete, a dancer and well I'm energetic don't mix it up with enthusiasm. "Can we take a break?"my sister cried. "No you decided to come so deal with it!!"I angrily shouted. "Well you're lucky cause you have superpowers."she mumbled. "I heard that!"I shouted. "Guys would you stop arguing I'm tired too I think we should be taking the subway cause its getting dark."she said. Ya think? But I said that inside my head.
So we went to the subway and I didn't sleep cause I had to keep an eye on those two. Now I know how my mom feels.
"I'm tired Norie."my sister cried. I just ignored her cause who said she must come huh?!! This whole thing is getting us no where my sister is tired,Cami is asleep and I'm tired and worst of all there are some weirdos who are doing weird things or something. "Cami wake up!!"I shouted "What?"she asked tiredly. "The tracking device what does it say?"I asked. "Um....,she started panicking, oh no I think its lost!" "What?!! How the heck could you lose it?!!"I asked profusely. "I-I d-d-don't know."she stumbled. I started getting really angry how the heck could she lose it!! I am so angry that I could quit this mission and go home. "Norie mommy is face timing us!!"Rosa panicked. "Um...answer it."I instructed. "Okay."she said. "Hello mommy."she said tiredly. "Oh my sweet baby I didn't know it was night well go to sleep, say hi to sister and sorry for waking you up sweetie."she said. "Okay mommy I will, love you."she said. "Nice save!"I complimented. "Yeah since we lost the track device thingy we have to get out of the subway car and you'll have no choice but to fly us there."Rosa suggested. "What the.....,I stumbled, but I have to uh but the I'm TIRED." "She's right we have to."Cami maniacally said. "Oh no it ain't gonna work if you wanna get off fine we're getting off but we walking!"I angrily shouted. What? They were ganging up on me so I ain't flying them. "But but Norie I'm TIRED!!"she wined. "Well who said you must come?!"I blurted out.

Chapter 19
Its been 5 hours and we lost!! "Imma leave you guys if you don't tell me where we are cause we're lost!"I frustratedly shouted. "Relax we almost there."Cami reasurred. She said that like 30 minutes ago I am so tired!! I morphed into a bird and looked for that warehouse cause the money is probably gone by now."Wait!" Cami shouted. I completely ignored her cause I have to do this by myself. I hate to say it but Cami and Rosa are slowing me down. So as I flew I thought maybe I was a little hard on them so I flew back. As I flew back you won't believe who I saw.....Hazel?!! What the heck is she doing here?
Maybe this was her vacation home, she is pretty rich. So I flew in for a better view so I turned into a bee, well you can't expect me to not know what's going on. She was talking to her friends, she was like:"Omg I met this really cute guy Bryan he's totally into me." What the..?!! Well I'm not glad that I'm not the only one who sees him as cute but I got dibs so back off Hazel. I really wanted to sting her but it was the wrong thing...NOT!!
I got a text from Cami.
C:unblocked you
C Help!! Pandora kidnapped us by the old maple grill warehouse that means I was right haha.
N:WHAAT?!! Im so sorry I left you behind, this Pandora girl will wish she was never born but first I'll need a few stuff for the element of surprise.😈
C:🙊 well hurry we don't have enough time, the money will transfer to her in two hours.
N: kay Btw how are you typing🤔
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