chapter 11

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Talia's pov

Since Ha'keem has Maddie I decided to do something with the girls for the first time in forever, we decided to go watch a movie then go to the mall. We didn't even know what movie we was gonna watch they just choice one that looks entertaining and by they I mean Tatiana, I paid for everyone's snacks and stuff because why not? And I doubt I'll get anything from the mall anyway.

After we got our snacks we went to where the movie was playing..... apparently Tatiana choose a scary movie, I was sitting between Tiana and Sarah, Tiana on my left and Sarah on my right and Vanessa was sitting between Sarah and Tatiana.

We was half way through the movie and half of the popcorn was on the floor, mostly because Tatiana kept dropping it Everytime something popped out it was kinda funny though. I was kinda scared to but I was also holding Sarah's and Tiana's hand I don't even know when we started to hold hands but I'm not letting go anytime soon.

After the movie we all hurried up and left and slapped Tatiana in the head "ow!" She yelled holding her head, "you chose a Scary movie" Tiana pointed out "no shit" Tatiana said "I thought we won't watching scary movies?" Vanessa said in a small voice, between Vanessa and Tatiana both of them is scared of any type of scary movie, but unlike Tatiana Vanessa gets scared shitless.

"Sorry Nessa I wasn't paying attention" Tatiana said "well you should've" Tiana said "shut up and let me comfort my girlfriend" she said and hugged Vanessa who hugged her back they kissed "ewww" me and Tiana said and Tatiana flicked us off and we all laughed. "So where to next?" Sarah asked "the mall duh" Tatiana said "I thought you was suppose to be comforting your girlfriend" Sarah said.

"Shut up I am" Tatiana said and I just shook my head at the two, once we finally got to the mall we just started walking around, "so where to first?" Sarah asked "I don't want to buy anything" I said and everyone looked at me and I shrugged "I got alot of stuff" I said "that's understandable" Sarah said.

And I nodded, we walked around and occasionally stopping at a store because someone or we all wanted something, I only bought a few tshirts between Maddie, JoJo, and Cam... maybe Jaya too I'm running out of tshirts.

And Cam haven't even been born for a month yet, after awhile we got hungry and went to the food court we decided to get pizza, we got Pepperoni for me and Sarah and cheese for Tiana and Vanessa... Tatiana eating both. "What should we do after this?" I asked, "I don't know let's go to the beach" Tatiana shrugged. "Then we gonna have to go to each other home's" Vanessa said "not if we buy bathing suits" Tatiana said with a smirk.

"She just want a reason to spend money" Tiana said "actually I do need a bathing suit...." Sarah said "how?!" I asked and she shrugged, "I just need some" she said "my bathing suits got stolen somehow so" she added And we all looked at her, "I don't know" she said with a small shrugged.

"Boo!" We heard someone yell from behind us we'll me and Sarah Tatiana, Tiana, and Vanessa was sitting in front of us and me and Sarah jumped a little bit and I let out a little scream causing everyone to laugh.

"Briana!" Sarah yelled jumping out of her seat and hugging the girl, she was kinda my height maybe smaller, she had long black hair and was wearing a plain black shirt and black shorts and slides.

After they broke away from the hug Sarah turned to us, "Briana these is my best friends, Talia, Tatiana, Tiana, and Tatiana's girlfriend Vanessa" she introduced and we all waved and said 'hey' or 'wassup'. "Hey, nice to meet all of you, I heard alot about you all" she said with a smile "I hope it was all good" I said and she nodded.

"It was...kinda" she said "what you mean kind of?" Tatiana asked "anyways! I thought you won't coming until next week?" Sarah asked Briana, "I was but I decided to come early" she said.

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