chapter 2

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Dear Sunghoon,

How are you doing?
I saw you open my note yesterday,i saw that cute smile of yours,please smile more!!I heard that you ranked 2nd instead of 1st...Its okay everyone makes mistakes.Don't give up!I know you have practice later hence I made you lunch.I hope you like it,don't hurt yourself during practice.

Love ,
Secret admirer
third person pov

Y/n came to school early so she could give Sunghoon's letter and lunch.She wanted to leave it on his table.She hurriedly went to this table and nicely placed the lunchbox and note on his table.

Minji was standing at the door,she saw what y/n did.

"Hm what are you doing?"Minji asked.Y/n got shocked as she thought she was the only one in class.She could recognise her bestfriends voice.She scratched her nape and turned to her bestfriend awkwardly.

"U-uh nothing i was just walking around the class since I'm bored and alone..."Y/n said nervously.Minji looked at y/n suspiciously.Y/n did not want Minji to find out that Y/n likes Sunghoon because...Minji also likes Sunghoon.Y/n knows that she has no chance with sunghoon...

Minji pov

I already knew that she liked Sunghoon.It was obvious but I am not letting her get Sunghoon.

Third person pov

Minutes have passed.Students started entering the classroom.Sunghoon walked to his table and found the lunchbox.He turned to Jay.

"Jay-ah who gave me this lunchbox?Do you know?"Sunghoon asked confused.

"Ooo maybe its from Minj!!!!"Jay whispered.

Sunghoon blushed.He really hoped it was from Minji.

He wrote the note that was sticked on top of the lunchbox.

After reading it,he sighed.It was again from his secret admirer.Sunghoon carefully examined the handwriting,it was definitely not Minji's handwriting.He sighed.He was contemplating whether or not he should throw it away.Sunghoon crushed the paper and threw away the lunchbox.

Little did he know...Y/n saw everything.

Y/n pov

He...he threw it away.I spent hours making it for him and he threw it away...I threw my head down onto my table.I wanted to cry.I like him so much it hurts.

"Y/n you okay?"Minji asked concerned.

"Haha yeah,just tired."I replied still with my head down.

The teacher entered the classroom and the lesson began.I had no mood and no motivation to concentrate so i slept.

Sunghoon's pov

It was maths lesson.I sighed.It was so boring,I don't even know how i ace this subject to be honest.I moved my eyes to Minji's desk.She looked ethereal.I think i almost drooled...

"Boo!What you staring at huh?"Jay said quietly to Sunghoon.


"What u-uh nothing im just b-bored y-yeah..."I replied.

"Ya sure." Jay said sarcastically.

third person pov

Jay knew Sunghoon liked Minji.He begged Sunghoon to confess but to no avail.

Jay looked at Y/n.Jay has a crush on her but unfortunately he doesnt think she feels the same way...He suspects that Y/n likes Sunghoon.Jay sighed and went back to paying attention.

Minji's pov

It was finally lunchtime.I tried dragging Y/n to eat with me but she declined but whatever.I dont know whats up with her today...But oh well i rushed to the canteen to buy lunch.I saw Sunghoon and Jay in-line.Sunghoon looked so good today...

"Hey Guys!"I exclaimed while waving.

"H-hi M-minji."Sunghoon replied nervously.

"Um Hey.Wheres Y/n?"Jay asked.

"Oh shes in class.I dont know whats wrong with her but She looks down today."I replied.

"Really?Um okay,sorry Sunghoon see you later!!"Jay said as he ran out of the canteen.

Then it was just me and Sunghoon...Why did Jay have to leave.??I mean ugh great alone time with Sunghoon but its so awkward what do i doo!!!!

"So uh,hows life?"He asked.

"Its okay!Pretty boring though.How about you?"I said.

The conversation continued....

Y/n pov

It was lunchtime but unfortunately after seeing what Sunghoon did...I had no more apetite to eat or do anything in general.

I closed my eyes and slowly i dozed off to dreamland.

I was slowly woken up by someone tapping my shoulder.

It was Jay.

"Hey uh...Sorry to disturb your sleep but here!"Jay said as he showed me bread and a drink.It was my favourite bread with my favourite drink strawberry milk.Wait how does he know what I like....I don't remember telling him but oh well.

"Oh thanks but u really didnt have t-"Before I could continue Jay had already stuffed the bread into my mouth.

He chuckled.I ate the bread annoyingly.My eyes widened.The bread tasted so good!!!!!

"Cute."Jay mumbled.

"What?I couldn't hear what you were saying,can u repeat that?"I asked with food in my mouth.

"O-oh nothing."He said nervously.


Hello!This chapter is quite long,im sorry...thank you for reading this chapter!I really hoped you enjoy it<3

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