✮ three

20 2 2

Alana spent the first few days on the island exploring. She had a difficult time making the $100 per day budget last, but she was slowly managing. She just made note of what she wanted but couldn't afford and decided to purchase it out of the next days allowance.

It was now Monday, and she had her first session of etiquette class in an hour. She tried to protest her way out of having to attend but her grandparents were as stubborn as her and there was nothing she could do to stop herself from having to go. So she stood in her bedroom, flicking through the clothes in her closet, trying to figure out what to wear.

Her eyes landed on her grey plaid skirt with her white crop top, instantly pulling it out and laying it down on the bed. After she was set on that she quickly showered, before putting it on. She wanted to look her best. She always looked her best and she had to prove that. Once she was done, she headed downstairs in search of a snack.

She walked into the kitchen, walking straight over to the refrigerator and pulling out the jug of orange juice, pouring herself a glass. As she drank the contents, her eyes focused on the outside where she spotted the same wavy haired girl from her first day here. She was yelling with what Lana could only assume to be her parents. Curiosity getting the better of her, she glided over to the window, opening it a little so she could hear.

She couldn't hear much, but what she got from it was that this girls mom wasn't happy with her. Obviously, they were arguing so it's not going to be good. She could vaguely make out what was being said, hearing the words 'etiquette class' and her eyes instantly flashed to the clock. She was running behind. She wasn't phased, but she couldn't be dealing with her grandparents cutting her allowance anymore than they already have, so with a sigh, Lana picked up her bag off of the counter and headed into the garage to her car.

Seeing the beat up mini hatchback made her pout, unlocking it and climbing inside. It creaked as she sat down and she was sure that at one point or another she would have to call for help to be towed. She put the keys in the ignition, the car choking a little before roaring to life. Lana was surprised there was even any life left in it. She pulled out of the garage after punching the location into her GPS and drove in the direction of her class.

Lana slouched in her seat, scrolling through her phone. She somehow managed to get to the class early and was now one of only three in the room, not counting the teacher. She looked around for the girl she had seen arguing with her mother earlier, but she was nowhere in sight.

While she was scrolling through twitter, she felt a presence fill the seat next to her. She glanced up from her phone, eyeing the girl. She was blonde, with full lips and brown eyes. She was really pretty. Too pretty for it to all be real but who was Lana to judge? She paid no more attention to the girl than she felt she had to, wanting more than anything for the class to just be over. 

The silence in the room grew deafening, and when Lana felt she couldn't take it anymore, she was saved by the teacher finally showing up. 

"Sorry I'm late.. car problems," the teacher stated simply, taking a seat on the opposite side of the circle to Lana. The teachers eyes scanned the room, stopping for a moment on Lana before continuing around. "I see we have some new faces today. So, how about before we start, we go around and introduce ourselves. Just say your name and an interesting fact about yourself." 

"What is this? Therapy or some shit?" Lana uttered in what she believed to be a hushed tone, but clearly the girl next to her had heard, letting out an amused chuckle. 

"I'll go first. My name is Kassia, and surprisingly enough, I actually used to be a student in these classes." The teacher spoke once again, turning to the people next to her for them to go. As everybody introduced herself, Lana could feel her patience with the class slowly slipping through her fingers, but before she knew it, it was the girl next to hers turn to introduce herself. The girl shifted in her chair, clearing her throat before she spoke. 

"Uhh, my names Sarah Cameron, but you guys already knew that because unfortunately, this isn't my first rodeo in this class. And my fun fact is that I'm all about saving the turtles." 

Lana rolled her eyes. She was one of those people, and just when she thought they would get along... While Lana was lost in her thoughts, she didn't realise that all eyes were now on her. She felt a nudge on her arm, realising that it was Sarah tapping her shoulder. 

"Oh, it's my turn. Fun," she said with a slight roll of her eyes. "My names Alana, but I literally hate my parents for calling me that, and I really do not want to be here. In this town, in this class, anywhere to do with here." 

Was her truth too blunt? Probably, but they were stating one thing about themselves and that was her naked truth. 

She watched as some people shifted uncomfortably in their chairs, a small smirk placing itself onto her face. A short second later, everybody continued introducing themselves until they all knew everybody's names. 

"Right, now that we've gotten to know one another a little better, let's continue," Kassia smiled at the rest of the class.  


After what felt like forever, the class finally drew to a close. 

"Great class today! I hope you've all taken something from it and will apply it to your everyday lives. I'll see you all next week!" Kassia beamed before exiting the room. 

Lana grabbed her bag and headed for the door, but before she could leave, somebody called her name from behind. 

"Hey! Lana," the voice called. Lana turned on her heels and was faced with Sarah. "Hey, I just wanted to say that I understand you're new to town, and, well there's this party at the beach later tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" Sarah asked with a hopeful look in her eyes. 

"Why would you want me to come to a party? You've only just met me?" She wasn't used to this. Back where she was from, if you were new, you were the new target for all of the jokes and bullying. Lana would know, she was usually the one instigating it. 

"Because you're new to the island, and while I get that you don't want to be here, maybe you'll change your mind if you actually know some people?" 

It was a simple ask, and Lana was appreciative of the offer. After thinking about it for a moment, a smile pulled at her lips.

"Sure, why not," she shrugged, grabbing some crappy leaflet from the table and pulling a pen from her purse. She scribbled down her number and handed it over to Sarah. "That's my number. Just text me the dress code and where it's at, I'll be there." 

Sarah nodded, triumph clear across her face as she brushed past the girl and walked out. 

Maybe the Outer Banks would be tolerable after all. 


Could this be the beginning of a budding friendship between Sarah and Lana? 

Sorry it took me so long to complete this chapter! Inspiration was a thing of the past for a while! 

- jordi x

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