Heroes meet Balan part 3

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Savy: Wait a minute....

Issac- Hey....

Balan smiles as he talks to the heroes

Savy: Wait, I remember you.

Balan stops and looks at Savy and Issac

Issac: We remember you when we were kids!

Balan- Wait a minute.... Savy ! Issac ?!

Savy: Yep!

Balan- I dont believe it !

Balan zooms over to them and takes a look at the two.

Balan- Do my eyes deceive me ? It really is you two !

Issac: It has been years!

Balan- 50 years ! I haven't seen you two.since you were kids ! I knew you would grow up to be hamdsome and beautiful like your siblings over there !

Malikai: 50 years?!

Balan snickers.

Balan- Just kidding ! Its been 25 ! But how are you two ?

Savy: We're doing good!

Smarty- Wait you know him ?

Savy: Yeah, after my mom never let me see Willy's place again, Issac takes me for a walk when we see those chick plushies, then we arrived at the old theatre where we met Balan.

Balan- Ah , yes. I remember. I took you to Wonderworld , you all had fun beating my fellow boss friends , and helped defeat my evil brother

Morty: Brother?

Balan- Yes. I have a negative brother of the Tragedy Side : Lance

Ludel: Oh dear.

Nights: Reala used to be my evil brother but not anymore.

Balan-Yes but Lance hasn't changed. And it's a good thing too.

Tops- Wait a minute... Balan... Lance... Balan... Lance...

Tops then gasps as his eyes sparkle as he holds his cheeks together.

Tops- You guys are Balance !

Rocky: What?!

Balan-( Chuckles ) That is correct ! Our mother and father named us that on purpose because the two of us are a living balance of Positivity & Negativity

Tina: Wow!

Balan- And instead of things being too much of one another : If Lance surrounds himself with too much negativity , he becomes positive , if I surround myself with too much positivity , I become negative

Morty: Oh.

Balan- Its true

Hard Rock: That's awful.

Balan- Not as awful as I had to say goodbye to Savy and Issac.


Issac and Savy looked at Balan*

Balan smiles and gestures them to leave

Issac and Savy has tears and hugged him*

Balan blinked in surprise and looks at them

Issac and Savy cried*

Gradually , Balan started to cry as well and hugs them back as he makes jewels from his tears.

Trying ro make this goodbye less painful for him akd the kids , he wipes his tears and pushes them to the exit

Savy: Huh?

Savy and Issac look back and see Balan twirls fast while taking off his hat and reveals his handsome human form with chalk white skin , the same soft teal hair , and purple eye markings.

The two are shocked*

Balan chuckles and lifts the siblings up with his magic and blows them into the portal

Balan picks up his jewel tears*

End of Flashback*

Savy: We missed you.

Balan smiles sadly.

Balan- I missed you both too.

Tops- Wait you were human ?!

Balan- Well Im both actually.

Tops- Can we see your human form ?!

Balan- Well..

Nights: Please?

Balan- Well alright. But Im showing myself without my top hat first

They looked*

Balan takes off his hat and reveals his handsome humanoid face

Nights gasps amazed*

Balan blushes and looks away.

Tigs: Wow!

Luci: Impressive.

Stegz: Very fascinating.

Balan- Wait til you see my human form.

They watched*

Balan twirls for 4 seconda beforw he reveals his handsome human form.

Night's eyes sparkled*

Balan blushes and chucklrs.

Malikai: Whoa!

Slimy: Looks good.

Samartha and Lexy became lovestruck than ever.

Balan- Aww yall are just saying that.

Tina: We're serious.

Balan looks at them.

Nights: You look so handsome!

White Fang: Not bad.

Balan- Awww shucks. You guys are making the maestro blush !

The wolf sees Nights, it smirks and leaves planning to kidnap her tomorrow*

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