Shelly and Bad Rap's wedding

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With Savy and the Weaselings...

Savy and the others waited for Balan to return*

Arabella- Seriously , where is Balan ?

Ruby: I'm not sure.

Jasper: I hope he's okay.

Tigs: He's a cool guy

They see Balan coming back with Nights*

Ruby: He's back!

Nic- Huh ?

They look and see Balan and Nights with Rime

Nack: Balan!

Pentol: Nights!

Balan- Hello everyone !

Morty: What happened?

Balan- I saved Nights and got into a battle with Balke the wolf

Rocky: Awesome!

Balan-( Smiles ) I know

Malikai: Well next week is my daughter's wedding. *has tears* I'm not sure if I can go through with it...

Balan sighs and hugs Malikai.

Malikai looks*

Balan tears up amd his tears form into gems as they drop to the ground

Nights: Oh my.

1 week later*

Today is Shelly's wedding, Shelly is getting ready*

Nights-( Smiles ) You look lovely , Shelly.

Shelly smiles: Thank you Nights.

Chubby- Shelly married ?

Shelly: Not yet silly.

Bread: Fibsh!

Chubby rolled onto his.stomach and cries

His seal pups and Primarina nuzzled him*

Chubby giggles

Shelly giggles*

In Bad Rap's room , Balan helps him get ready.

Balan- There we go. You look absolutely dashing

Bad Rap: I do indeed.

A chick plush bounces over and nudges Bad Rap

Bad Rap: Oh!

The chick coos and nuzzles him

Bad Rap holds it: Hey there fella.

Balan-( Chuckles ) He likes you

Bad Rap chuckles: He does indeed.

Balan smiles.

5 minutes later , Fifi plays the wedding music as they see Shelly in the aisle

Lotus and Freddy coos in Malikai's arms*

Malikai smiles tearfully as he watches

Moxxie: I'm glad the wedding is in the castle.

Balan appears behind him sitting next to Blitzo.

Balan- You're telling me

Haxx has tears*

Velocira kisses them away

Haxx: *sniff* My brother is finally getting married.

Spittor- You said it.

Shelly is in front of Bad Rap*

SkekZok- Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two in marriage. Do you , Bad Rap , take Shelly to be your wife ?

Bad Rap: I do.

SkekZok- Do you , Princess Shelly , take Bad Rap to be your husband ?

Shelly smiles: I do.

SkekZok- I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the brode

Bad Rap kisses Shelly*

Everyone started to cheer for the newlyweds as Balan promptly set the fireworks up and they explode into the sky.

At the wedding reception , Shelly and Bad Rap dance with each other

Malikai: Welp, there goes my fourth child, Only two more left.

Lotus & Freddy- Engwish pleeeeeaaase !

Malikai snuggles them*

Nights smiles as she watches them before Savy and Issac walk up to Balan who holds and pets Rime

Savy: You made this wedding the best Balan.

Balan-( Smiles ) Aww thanks you too. If Nights never showed me this place I wouldn't have been happier

Issac: Where is Nights going?

Balan- Huh ?

Balan looks to where Issac is looking at

Nights left the castle*

Balan and the heroes looked on.

Sometime later , Nights makes it to the same hill in Central park where Balan lamented

Nights holds a flower*

She plucks the petals loves me/loves me not fashioned until she makes it to the last petal. She closes her eyes and sighs as she prepares to pluck it.

???- My dearest friend...

Nights looks*

She sees Balan slowly walking to her with the yearning look in his yellow eyes.

Balan- If you don't mind , I like to join you by your side...

Nights smiles and stands up*

Balan- Where we can gaze into the stars...

Both: And sit together... now and forever....

Balan walks onto the hill , getting closer to the lovely nightmaren as he opens his heart more.

Both- For it is plain , that anyone can see.....

Balan makes it up to Nights and holds her hands.

Both- We're simply meant to be...

Balan and Nights then embrace one another and finally kissed passionately on the lips under the full moon as it shines down on them.

Tops: Awwwwwww.

Savy: They make a cute couple.

Rime pants happily as his tail wags. The two break the kiss and smile lovingly at one another.

Rime runs around happy*

The End

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