The Thief

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"What? No, come on." (Y/n) sulking was a fairly common sight. A man who stood almost three inches taller than Sam, physically stronger, and fierce in battle sulked on a regular basis. As he continued to rummage through the kitchen cabinets, Gabriel walked into the room holding a bright yellow tub.

"Whatcha looking for?" It was clear he was eating something, though what, (y/n) didn't particularly care.

"I had a tub of candy in the cabinet next to the fridge and it's fucking gone." Gabriel hummed in response, with his back turned, (y/n) thought it sounded as if he actually cared.

"Have you tried checking in the cabinet next to the oven? You know what Cas is like when he looks for stuff. Guy rearranges the whole kitchen." He knew for a fact that comment was partnered with a comical eye roll.

Slamming the cabinet door shut, (y/n) made his way over to the oven and began looking in the cabinet.

"Gabe there's nothing here." The taller of the two whined. As he turned around, his eyes flickered almost immediately to his yellow tub. Gabriel smirked and continued eating the fudge fingers.

"You have five seconds." The harshness in his voice make Gabriel melt a little in the middle. The archangel did love it when he spoke in that tone of voice.

Taking the hint, Gabriel turned on his heal and began to speed walk towards the bedrooms, laughing the entire the way. In fairness, (y/n) did give him the full five seconds. Knowing the blond as he did, the (e/c) eyed man made his way to his own bedroom.

It wasn't much, sparsely decorated and disgustingly plain as Lucifer once put it but it was his. Sprawled in the centre of the double bed was Gabriel. Since entering the room he had shed his green jacket and was now dressed only in his t-shirt and denim jeans.

"Are those my fucking jeans Gabe?" The realisation clicked after a few moment when he noticed the back left pocket was missing. During a hunt in Nebraska, a ghoul had tried to grab him but instead grabbed his pocket ripping it clean off.

"They're comfy." Gabriel sarcastically replied, sucking on his lollipop. It was truly obscene to watch. The way he swirled his tongue around the red gem was intoxicating to watch.

"Take them off." He punctuated every word.

To his shock, Gabriel did as he was told almost immediately. No sarcastic response. No eye roll. Unbuttoning and unzipping them, Gabriel let the jeans slowly slide down his thick, muscular legs. (Y/n) briefly thought to himself about how amazing they'd feel wrapped tightly around his waist. A few feet now separated the pair, though (y/n) inched closer. His eyes remained almost fixated on the lollipop.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" The sarcasm returned in an instance, snapping (y/n) out of his trance like state.

"I swear if you've got anything else of mine on take it off. I've constantly got no clothes because you steal everything." He turned around, intent on cleaning up the candy wrappers he had walked over when entering the room. Crouching down, he collected them and tossed them into the trash can. From behind him, there was a shuffling noise and what sounded like clothes being tossed on the floor. At a guess, the t-shirt must have been his also.

Turning back around, (y/n)'s eyes instantly widened to see Gabriel completely naked on his bed. In the position he was in, nothing could be seen, the duvet had been scrunched up to cover himself. However, the naked expanse of skin made (y/n) harden in a matter of seconds.

"What?" Gabriel pouted his lips, making himself look akin to a naughty school girl.

"See something you like?" He continued to tease. Flopping on to his back, Gabriel ran his hands over his chest in a sultry manner. Removing the lollipop stick from his mouth, the archangel licked his lips until they glistened.

Taking a few steps to the right, (y/n) was stood at the foot of the bed, clearly not sure of what to do.

"Close your eyes hot rod, I've got a surprise for you. Oh come on don't give me that look, trust me. Take your clothes off firth though." Without thinking, (y/n) removed his shirt revealing the expanse of hardened muscles and scars. After letting it fall to the fall, he tugged his jeans open and let them too slip to the floor.

Left in his boxers, (y/n) took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"No peaking otherwise I'll stop." Gabriel commanded. The loss of one of his senses made him momentarily feel uneasy. Like floating in the great darkness of space.

He felt the archangels hands first, travelling along his thighs, reaching the edges of his boxers before moving down again towards his knees. He began to pepper (y/n)'s boxers with gentle kisses. As the kisses became sloppier, (y/n) could feel the dampness seeping through the fabric. The moans that left his lips were soft and shy. Choosing to bite his lip instead, Gabriel licked the material with the flat of his tongue. He took the tip of his erection into the warm, wet of his mouth but (y/n) whined wishing the material would disappear. The archangel began to moan wholeheartedly, being fed off the small whimpers coming from the larger man. Slipping a hand up his thigh, Gabriel's hand slipped against his balls causing his breath to hitch.

"God you're big. I know dad insisted on blessing some of you guys but fuck," he let a filthy moan leave his lips, "he certainly blessed you." The black boxers were slowly slipped down his thighs, allowing his erection to bob free. Gabriel pressed gentle kisses against the tip which soon turned into kitten lips. He lapped up the salty pre cum from the tip before taking the tip fully into his mouth. Suckling like child.

(Y/n) blindly reached forward to tangle his fingers through the soft, silky locks urging Gabriel, to take more of him. A loud unexpected moan left his mouth as Gabriel suddenly deep throated him. The archangel would never do this for anybody else. The giant was his.

Bobbing his head, Gabriel enjoyed the feeling of the hand on his head urging him to go faster. (Y/n)'s hips thrust forward into the warm heat moaning almost every single time. His head was thrown backwards in ecstasy.

Pulling off the thick erection with a loud, sloppy pop, (y/n) whined at the loss. He was pushed backwards onto the bed. His eyes snapped open and he could have came at the sight.

Gabriel was stood at the foot of the bed, hair a mess and his lips glistening with spit. Crawling forward, the archangel straddled his hips, rutting their erection together. The friction was almost too much. (Y/n) grabbed the flesh on the archangels hips, if he was human, bruises would soon form.

Gabriel rocked back and forth, dragging his hands over his body. As he rocked, the archangel slipped (y/n)'s erection into his tight heat causing them both to groan. The taller of the two arched his back in pure pleasure. He'd never felt something as tight and warm in his life. The blond rocked back and forth bringing them both closer and closer to the edge. Gabriel took a hold of one of the hands from his hip and placed it on his erection. Matching the rhythm he was fucking Gabriel with, it wasn't long before hot spurts of release splattered onto (y/n)'s chest. Moaning loudly, (y/n) released almost immediately afterwards.

The pair glistened with sweat and release, Gabriel desperate for more slowly began to rock his hips again.

It went on like this for hours until the pair became too sensitive. Gabriel had complained for close to an hour at (y/n) claiming that he was hungry for anything with sugar. Leaving his room, (y/n) walked towards the kitchen to retrieve some ice cream.

"Dude, what the fuck happened to your back?"

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