Skye almost drowns

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Chase and Skye were underwater swimming with their new oxygen masks while looking for some underwater items.

Chase: These new oxygen masks work great!

Skye: You're telling me Chasey.

As Chase and Skye were swimming, Skye's back paw got caught between two rocks.

Skye: Ah! My paw!

Skye tried swimming fast to get her paw unstuck, but she couldn't.

Skye: Oof. I'm stuck!

But then, water got into Skye's mask.

Skye: Oh, no. Water got in my mask! Puppies can't breathe underwater!

The water entirely filled Skye's mask and she was extremely panicking.

Skye: (Underwater screaming)

Chase heard that noise and looks back and sees Skye struggling to breathe.

Chase: Skye!!

Chase started swimming towards Skye to help her get her paw unstuck and to get her to the top of the water.

Skye: (Underwater screaming)

Chase grabbed Skye and he pulled her back paw out from between the two rocks and her mask fell off her face, Chase was swimming Skye to the surface. Chase saw that Skye had her paws covering her mouth and her eyelids showing. She has 19 seconds till she drowns.

Chase: I'd better hurry before she drowns!

Chase got to the top of the water just in time allowing Skye to breathe again.

Skye: (Long gasp for air)

Skye coughs and spits out water.

Chase: Skye, you almost drowned! Are you alright?

Skye: (Catching her breath) Yeah, I'm okay.

Skye's stomach growled.

Skye: (Groan) My stomach.

Somehow, Skye wasn't feeling so good.

Chase: Skye, are you feeling okay?

Skye: (Groaning) Ch-Chase... H-Help...

Skye passed out.

Chase: Skye! No! Don't collapse on me now!

Chase realizes that his baby puppy was feeling seasick. That's why she collapsed.

Chase: She's feeling seasick! I gotta get her to the Vet!

Chase puts Skye on his back and he swims fast back to land and he rushes Skye to the AB Vet.

At the Vet...

Skye was sleeping on her back with her front paws on her chest. Chase stood by her with a sad look on his face. He had his paw on her throat, making sure she was breathing.

Chase: Skye, please be okay my beautiful blonde furred puppy.

Chase laid down and rested his head on Skye's chest.

Chase: Skye, please. I can't afford to lose you. You mean so much to me.

But to Chase's amazement, Skye slowly moved her paw and puts it on Chase's paw and she opened her pink eyes.

Skye: (Moan) Chase?

Chase: Skye! You're awake!

Chase hugged Skye tightly.

Skye: Ooof! Chase! You're squeezing me!

Chase: I know, I thought I was gonna lose you.

Skye: Chase, it's fine. I'm alive and alright. You rescued me when I nearly drowned.

Chase: Yeah, that's true.

Chase sniffed Skye in the face and got her beautiful Cockapoo smell and he starts licking her in the face.

Skye: (Moan in joy)

The End.

Skye almost drownsWhere stories live. Discover now