2 day

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So my cat just bite me and my mom, and she is angry at my cat. I had breakfast and I an still hungry goddammit, oh well. I went on Instagram and saw that my boi Wilford was going to be in a maid outfit, FUCKING HORNY DUDES. What is the point on seeing a character in a maid outfit or as a cat boi,I 👏do 👏not👏get👏it, someone EXPLAIN to me what is the thing gor seeing that. I have lost faith in humanitu again. But I know not everyone is horny so good for you and for me, I jusy realised this book is honna be shitty stories and me being mad at humanity so deal with it. I got another thing I am gonna erase my other book because I got bored and do not know what to write, but maybe if I get any ideas I'll do another one (not any time soon thougth-) but ye. I am too mad at my friends (2 in paricular) first of all why do they still call the name AND nickname I do not go for anymore just freaking call me Alex, Wil or Damien. Oh and stop using she pronouns because pangender ass can not decide between being pangender or being a man (not a woman thought)so I am going todo be dealing with that until well muy freaking pan ass can identify. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!*swears in spanish*Some times I really wished I never existed, the only good thing is that I can bother my friends by just existing /hj. So yeah in resume this book is me winning and loseing faith in humanity and me getting mad at everything.....

See you in *Alex's suck at everything*.

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