Agony Intensified

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Every creak, footstep, and voice has my head turned.
Running to the window, glancing longenly at the front and back door.
what I wouldn't give to hear that wonderful voice Calling "mamacita" sofly from outside Heart is heavy with sadness, eyes are tired. How do you sleep when your soul is filled with sadness
Our future, now seemingly just a pipe dream.
Happily ever after at the end of story, but he was my fairytale, my puzzle piece that made the most beautiful picture.
Talented, hard-working and kind. The list is endless.
The joy that spread through my veins with just his touch.
Anxiously waiting to hear the kids yell out his name as he walks through the door, home for good.
My stomach in knots
Am I in his mind?
Every second spent together swirling in my helpless brain
Caring ways unlike any other.
His confidence radiating off him like natural sunlight.
Infectious smile and eyes that saw me.
My beauty, inside and out.
Now I'm lost
Stuck in a maze with only dead ends
The definition of romance, held in a single caress
Snatched away
A dead leaf falling from an old oak
The agony intensifies
Increasing, never ceasing

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