Flash Backs Are The Worst

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3 Years Ago- Stiles Pov.

It's been a few months since the nogitusune, and the pack is just getting worse. Not Liam, he's a puppy. He has been coming in through my window the past few weeks to check on me it's like he's the only one who sees the pain I'm in. I get torn out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing, which is odd I never get any texts or calls. I don't even get invited to the pack meets anymore... Scratch that they want me at this one and I know why. how do I know? Liam told me and he's pissed but it's okay I don't deserve to be with them anyways. I grab my keys and go to my Jeep, dad won't be home until later.

Time Skip

I pull up outside of Derek.s on time for once in my life and see everyone is already there. I take in a shaky breath and head up. I plan on telling them I'm out of the pack before they can kick me out I can't deal with the rejection right now. One thing I didn't see coming was for me to open the doors and see Theo standing there as well. Liam looks like a kicked puppy and his nose is bleeding and all my thoughts go out the drain seeing Liam bleeding. "WHO THE HELL HIT LIAM" I couldn't help but scream on the top of my lungs and that caught everyone's attention. Liam ran to me and hugged me as his life depended on it. "It's okay, I'm fine Sti" Liam looks up at me with tears in his eyes. I look to Scott and that's when I see it. The wrench I hit Donovan with and I realize why I'm getting kicked out Theo twisted the story made it seem like I murdered him in cold blood. Liam knew what happened I told him he must have stood up and they hit him. Just that thought made my blood boil something I haven't felt since void.

"You killed Donovan Stiles! and you can't blame anyone else. Your out and you need to tell your dad what happened maybe he will understand and won't arrest you but we hope he does you deserve it after everything" that was Scott he was almost screaming by the end of it but Theo grabbed his arm with 'comfort'. "You believe that monster you haven't even asked me what happened have you" Laim is backing up not knowing what to do to help the pailing teen, who has a strong scent of pure anger. The pack who saw one thing they are scared of... void but they knew he was gone wasn't he?.."Screw you and this pack I'm out. Liam, you have my number call me the rest of you lose it." I say before turning on my heels walking out of the building the lights flickering. As I slam the door, most of the light blows.

Time Skip

Stiles just pulled up to the house and sat there for a moment, yes he has a few powers from the nogitsune. He's still learning about them and was planning to tell them soon but not now only Liam knows about them. Stiles Gets out of the car confused seeing his dad's cop car there and he sees blood a lot of blood. Stiles runs inside looking for his father and what he sees terrifies him. He runs to his dad and texts two people he trusts Melissa and Liam in their group chat. 

S- I need help at my House ASP. It's my dad.

He doesn't have time to call 911 so he hopes one of them will. "Dad?" Stiles says as he puts pressure on the claw marks on his chest "Dad? please" he says tears in his eyes. Noah opens his eyes and takes a deep breath to see his son. "Stiles you need to listen to me" "NO, don't talk conserve your air Melissa and Liam are on their way I can't lose you ivve lost everything else don't make me lose you too," Stiles says crying he can't help but break don't he just lost the people he thought were his friends, his brother, he can't lose his dad as well. "Stiles, Stop I have to say this" Noah has tears going down his cheek but only lets Stiles nod before he continues "You were right about Theo he wants you Void you... you need to leave. I know you're going to hate me but I have to tell you like this... " Noah takes a deep breath before continuing "Your not my son.. your mother was with someone before me but it was had on him he lost his parents and became distant" Noah starts coughing and Stiles Starts crying harder he doesn't want this to be true but it makes sense "Go to New York.. find your Uncle Ple.." Noah stops talking and Stiles starts shaking him and screaming. He sits there for a minute before he just becomes numb and goes to pack. He has about 5 minutes before Melissa and Liam show up and he needed to be gone by then he grabs the money out of the safe. Stiles stops at the door but keeps going he knows after Melissa and Liam the pack will show up. Lydia probably has screamed Noah's name telling them he's dead. Stiles gets in and starts driving. He doesn't look back. 

3 Hour's later

Stiles's phone has been going off non-stop but now that he was at the airport he would answer one person Liam. Right as he grabs his phone Scotts I.D. pops up but Stiles hits the red button and calls Liam.

On the 2nd ring, Liam answers "Stiles where are you, are you okay, you need to tell me I will come I promise you " Stiles sighs knowing the pack is most likely listing in. "Liam, I won't be coming back I made Noah a promise and it was his last thing he said I'm not going back on it. I will come back just not for long just when I get myself together because I'm going to kill Theo Raeken for the death of Noah Stilinski" Stiles says as calm as possible "Why do you keep saying Noah and not dad" that was Lydia " Because he wasn't my real father and I will find my real one and get my revenge I know you can smell Theo all over him" Stiles said as the airport reported that a flight was going off but it wasn't his he doesn't care if they know he's at an air port they won't get there intime to stop him from getting on the plane. "Goodbye, Liam I will call you when I get a new phone but don't try to find me. "Stiles hangs up and throws the phone away before going towards his flight to New York.

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