4.Their Skill

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Tai opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off as an alarm began blaring before an automated announcement was made. "Security level three has been breached. Students, please, promptly evacuate."

"What's this?"

"Level three means that someone broke into school grounds. This hasn't happened in three years!"

"Three of us, level three, three years, three three three," Tai muttered as he stood up and stared at the crowd of students that already started forming. "So, do you guys want to run into that deathtrap, or shall we talk business?"

"So you are interested in our babies, fabulous!"

"Hmm, let's see, a portal tracker might take some time, and would definitely be troublesome. As for other gear, mobility won't really be needed, but weapons would, and maybe something defensive. What's your fighting style."

"Don't really have a style, never got trained or anything."

"Well, you should look into that, but for now..." Izuku turned to Mei. "What do you think?"

"What about the Thunder Wire?"

"Ah, right, the Thunder Wire."

"The what now?"

"This," Izuku told him as he held up his wrist, showing a ring of hardened plastic that had a rectangular screen displaying the time.

"A watch?"

"Give me a sec." He swiped up on the screen, causing it to change and display a lightning bolt, which he pressed and held down for a second before it beeped and the two metal buttons on the side extended. Pressing the screen again and the side launched and hit the table, the buttons crackling with electricity, and pressing it once again, it turned off and the wire automatically withdrew and brought the piece back. "Homemade taser gun that can be used a few times before either frying itself and becoming useless, or running out of charge. And yes, it's also a watch."

"Frying itself?"

"Like I said, homemade, from salvaged parts."

"That's fair."

"Everyone, stop panicking," Someone shouted.

"Wasn't panicking... wait, that's Iida, he's from my class."

"It's just the media, there is nothing to panic about, everything's fine! This is UA. Let us act in a way befitting the best of the best!"

"Here, take this for now, and me and Mei will work on some actual support gear. Perhaps working this into some gloves that also let you use the electricity for electrified punches."

"Oh, hey, how about you also help us test out Project Lens? Me and Izu could probably get most of what we have incorporated into your gear, and if we can stay after school to work on it, we should be able to get it all done by tomorrow."


"Well, we'd definitely need to get permission from Power Loader to work on your stuff first, as well as yours. But yeah, shouldn't be too hard. Even got a backup of the system right here," Izuku told him as he pulled out a usb. "Now, I don't know about getting it done by tomorrow, it depends on what we're working with. Though, even if we need to replace parts of your helmet to get a display, as well as anything else that's missing to run it, by the latest, two days, three if we run into any major problems."

"Yeah, sure, and if you're going to start working on it today, we should probably go see Power Loader before classes make me unavailable."

Izuku and Mei grinned as they put a hand each on Tai's shoulders. "Yes, let's"

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