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'I think I'm in the presence of two oddballs,' Power Loader thought as he looked at two of his newest students, Izuku and Mei, at work. He still recognized that they were smart, but that didn't change the fact they were both a bit off in their own ways. Izuku seemed so calm and quiet, but the moment he started working, he moved and muttered to himself nonstop, disappearing into his own head. Yet despite that, he worked so well with Mei, working without even having to talk to each other in order to convey what they're working on, and he was also there to help out with any of her problems. And speaking of, Izuku, while in the middle of his work, reached out and grabbed Mei by the back of her shirt and pulled her back right before the helmet she was working on began sparking. Without a word, they switched places, and they began looking over what the other had been working on.

"Hmm, overall, it seems salvageable, though we'll need a new circuit board. Power Loader, you might want to have another look at what we got here, a little hard to tell, but looks like this one was a little faulty. That's why it went crazy like that." He put his hand out and Mei gave him a new one while saying that the new screen looked good. "Alright, I'm almost done getting this all set up again, thankfully that little fireworks display didn't mess anything else up."

"Right," Mei said as she started taking apart Tai's helmet. Soon, Izuku finished setting up the energy source and circuit board before starting the process for the program to be copied over. Once he did that, he left it there before grabbing more pieces to work with, one of which that Power Loader noticed being some miniature motors.

'Well, perhaps them being different from most students I've had isn't a bad thing,' he thought as he began going throughout the room, helping out or giving advice to students, though, not once did he have to do that for the other two. Though, he was somewhat surprised they were already asking to stay after school to work on things, but at the same time, he was kinda excited to have two students that not only had some skill, but also a good amount of drive.

The next day, after lunch, Tai walked into the development studio. "Did you guys really skip lunch to finish my stuff up?"

Power loader, who was in the room, sighed before turning to his students. "So you guys lied when I asked if you ate already."

"It was all in the name of progress," Mei replied.

"And yes, we did finish. Actually, we finished yesterday, but we got kicked out before we could fully test it."

"Oh yeah, sorry for not letting you spend the night in the school all by yourselves."

"Apologies accepted."

"Watch yourself Hatsume."

"Anyways," Izuku started, redirecting the conversion from going downhill into a fight between his teacher and his friend. "Now, behold!" Both Izuku and Mei gestured to the table behind them, where Tai's helmet sat.

"Well, I can already tell just from looking that it's different"

"Well, yes. Obviously, we made it so that you'd be able to use Project Lens, though we haven't gotten everything set up and finished yet. But we got the more basic and important things in. So you got the motion tracker, night vision, and infrared, as well as the basic AI that can help you operate it all."

"And if you press this button, then this baby will open up, and it can do so in two different ways! One will open it completely, and the other will keep the gas mask on."

"Gas mask?"

"Yes, I was about to get to that. We went ahead and added one. I'd say we did a pretty good job, though, do use common sense, because there is a limit to how much it can filter. You probably won't need it today, so we can go over it in more depth later."

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