Chapter three

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He felt her pain, and he left her, and he thought he deserved the pain, but he forgot that she felt his pain too,

I looked out my window at the beautiful starry sky, after not eating at all today I felt empty, or maybe that was just my heart
Suddenly and all at once I felt the need to escape, to leave.
I opened up my window, climbing down to the ground, out of practice I had done this easily.
My bare feet touched the soft cool grass. I turned my back to my house and ran.
The beach wasn't far from my house, it was basically behind my backyard. There was a big hole in the side of the fence. My escape.
I crawled through it like all those times before. Once I had crawled through, my feet felt amazing on the soft sand. I was so happy, I was alone. I had escaped from reality to my world. I move up to the loud shore. Hitting waves, the moon was full and beautiful. I liked to think the moon was her. I liked to talk to her. And that's what I did almost every night.
"Hey," I spoke to the silent moon quietly.
"How's the weather up there?" I chuckle to myself Sadly.
"It's almost been fully 3 years huh? It feels like shorter. Like yesterday." A tear stings my cheek, as I continue talking "I can't stop wondering what it was, what made you do that. Was it me?" More tears, forget tears, I was sobbing, "I wish we hadn't fought, I said I hate you, when I wanted you to know that I love you. Please... Know.. That I.. Love you. Why didn't you tell me? Maybe I could fix it for you. We could have. And now we can't." I look out to the ocean. As if I'd ever get a reply. "I don't know what to do without you, life is pointless. I just wana see you again." I sniffle. "Please help me like you always did, like you always do."
I wipe my cheeks. When I see a distant figure on the beach. Far away I can only see a silhouette, I don't know why but I walk closer. As I near I notice that it's a boy, he's speaking to nobody, just like me. My eyes widen when I realize who it is. Logan? He's speaking, softly, I don't know but I think he maybe had tears on his cheeks.
His head turns to me and he frowns.
"Who are you?! what do you want." He asks angry as I've ever heard anyone.
"I'm.. I'm no one." I say just as I'm about to walk away.
"Trice?! Oh I'm- " he says rubbing the back of his neck, his face softened.
I bite my lips as I come closer to him and sit on the sand.
"Why are you here?" He asks,
"Needed some air, and you?" I ask
"Just you know got bored, at a uh party. Wandered off and got uh here..." He stutters, obviously he can't tell a lie.
"Oh, who were you talking to?" I look up at the moon as I say this.
"I wasn't talking" he clenches his jaw.
"Yes you were, you can tell me." I insist.
"No you won't understand." He spits, suddenly mad.
"I can..."
"No, popular people like you can't understand trice. Heartless people can't understand." He says furious, staring at the water.
Oh, I felt hurt, but it didn't make sense to me because I've been told this a million times.
"Okay." I say standing up, dont cry trice don't do it, you never do.
"No trice, I--" he tries to talk but I cut him off.
"No, Logan. I understand. I am heartless, I've been heartless for almost 3 years."
I turn my back and walk back towards my house, tears come loose from my eyes as I pick up the speed. Logan calls from behind but I ignore it. I just need to stay away from him, for the good of us both.
I climb into my tree house when I'm back. I don't Wana go home yet. I sit silently in the tree house, my legs curl to my chest. I stare at all the pictures, it was mine and her treehouse, it was our tree house. The pictures are of us at the beach, at the park, in the forest. The pictures of us together. A tear falls down my cheek as I feel sadness hit me hard. She was gone. She left me forever.
"Please come back.." I say between my silent sobs.
But she didn't. She couldn't. I wish she could.

School had flown by, every night was filled with sobs in my-- in our tree house. I had managed to avoid Logan, the whole week. It was a gloomy Friday, rain pouring out side as the bell for lunch rang. I decided not to get any lunch , I never eat it anyways. I don't like to eat. I walk outside alone, because no one likes to walk in rain. But I do.
I walk into the wet field. Enjoying myself.
After about twenty minutes I decide to go back inside the school. I notice a boy leaning on the wall. A cigarette in his fingers. His black swirly tattoos are visible in his blue t-shirt. Logan stares his blue eyes into mine as he puffs smoke from his mouth. I looked at him, wondering why was he bringing such a harsh thing into his body willingly. Cigarettes were bad for health. I turned my cheek and walked inside. History class was boring as usual, no one was ever really paying attention. The bell rung meaning it was time for English. I smiled, one class I looked forward too.
I got in the class early, smiling at Ms Jones.
"Hello Ms.Wylde." She smiled warmly.
"Hi" I said back as I took my seat.
Soon the class settled in. Ms. Jones had just started the lesson when someone rudely interrupted her lesson, by opening the door widely.
"Mr. Carter. Nice to know you decided not to skip my class for once. Take a seat" I stared in shock as Logan pulled out a chair from beside me and sat down. I sat in the back of the class for a reason, to be alone. He was ruining that. I sighed and pushed my attention back to the lesson.
"Well I have a new assignment for all of you, you are to work on this assignment in partners." The teacher spoke kindly to the class.
I stopped breathing. Was I going to be paired with Logan. I couldn't, he was bad news.
"You may choose your partners." Ms Jones smiled as she looked up at the class. I sighed out of relief.

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