Chapter one

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She fell, so hard. And he laughed at her tears. How could she love a monster. We all have demons though, and he was hers.
I fell too fast too hard. He was bad news for me I knew it but he pulled me in like everyone. I was stupid, I thought I'd be the one who wouldn't fall for his tricks but here I was sitting on my bed, tears rolling down my red cheeks. He had turned me from fine to broken, from safe to nearly extinct. This is the story about how I lost to him, this is how I fell too hard and too fast, and by the time I was on the ground he was gone.
It was a warm night, I had dared to go to a party. My friends and me had gotten ready, I thought I looked stunning and beautiful. My mom waved me goodbye as we had left. We drive into the misty night to his house, though I didn't know.
We arrived to late, the party had long since started. Music blasting out of the windows vibrating the soft cold ground under my feet. I looked up at the venue. I could be at home reading a nice book but I was here. Glad I had worn a cardigan on top of my dress, not like my friends, for this cool summer night. I slowly walked up to the porch going to ring the door bell. My friends had all walked past me, the door was open. I had never fit in with my friends. They liked to wear tight and short and revealing dresses, they liked to party out and get wasted, they liked to date millions of boys in one night. All I wanted to do was stay home, in my room where I was safe, with all the characters that showed me what true love and friendship was like, away from all of this was my safe haven. I quietly sighed and walked in after them. I knew they had only brought me with them for the drive home after they get wasted. Inside was horrible, from a worst nightmare, too much body's too close together. They were all dancing, nobody could hear over the annoying repetitive base of the the dull music. I made my way towards the back door where I could break free of this nightmare. The cool air hit my face with relief, I looked around, making my way towards a swing in the corner of the yard away from sight. Sitting on the swing I looked out into the deep sky, filled with stars shinning on their own. This wasn't like me, I hated parties. I didn't want to be here. I sighed and looked down to the ground examining roses the climbed up the side of the swing. The beauty of the petals covered the thorns, but what would happen in the winter. They would die, and their thorns would be revealed. The wind blew carelessly in the night. I pulled my knees upto my chest resting my head on them.  I closed my eyes, why was I somewhere where I didn't wanna be, why was I with people I didn't like?
That's when he came. He sat beside me. He lit up the cigarette in his hand, acting as if I was not there, looking straight ahead, the toxic smoke left his mouth like a spell.
"The nights beautiful." He said his voice deep and mysterious.
I nodded silently. His facial features looked like the ones out of magazines that my friends look at. It was dark so his face was not very visible. I stand up, I decided my friends could find their own way home.
"Bye.." He pauses waiting for me to say my name.
"No one." I say.
"No one?" He looks at me confused.
"I'm just a no one, don't waste your memory on my name." I speak quiet making my way back towards the car.  I silently make my way home.
The night passes into early morning and yet I'm not able to rest, sleep is a far away unknown thing. I can't get him out of my mind. Did he like my voice? Did I look weird? What did he think of me? But most of all I was wondering why I cared. It wasn't like me to care about boys. My weekend passed with thoughts of him.

** hey guys first chapter. Hope everyone enjoys this story. It was inspired by "sad beautiful tragic" by Taylor swift. Listening to thats song while reading this will set the mood :)

Fallen.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें