"The Queen is dead!"

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(⚠️Trigger warnings!⚠️)
Character death

"My best friend was the queen of a kingdom who was in need of a king"

'She fell for him, quick and deep. She thought his greyish cerulean blue eyes were pretty, it reminded her of the first time they went to a small beach, warm, peaceful, and bright. Yet winter was coming closer, it would get cold. Those eyes would soon turn cold, sharp, and void of any warmth they used to hold'

'Those were the eyes that she would see during her last breath.'

His ivory skin stained with the colors of crimson wine, his off-black hair disheveled from the amount of physical movement it took to get to this point, he sighed as he picked up the blood splattered sword that was discarded during the small fight and pointed it at the woman backed up into the structure in front of him.

"I loved you, truly. But you held everything I wanted, I lied when I said I would love to rule a kingdom with you, it was just supposed to be me… you got in my way, and I stop for nothing. I'm sorry I have to cut your life short, maybe we will have our happy ending in another life together, ⏃⎐⟟☌⊑⋏⏃."

He plunged the sword into her heart, and watched the lights in her eyes slowly fade.

No one ever found out what happened, but I knew what went down.

It all made sense when you put the events together.

I knew he wasn't really a man from a small village deep in the woods, he was a lying, backstabbing son of a ragged scoundrel!

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